Entry 3: Nov 8th

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Oops looks like I forgot to update these last few days. Still no messages but i talked to C who asked him and he said " nah we're fineee". Obvious sarcasm, but C didn't believe it. I've finally decided why I don't like him hanging out with G: I hate her personality. God she ticks me off. I don't get why he can stand her. She talks constantly, thinks her stories are amazing, dominates conversations not letting anyone speak, tries to create sympathetic pity tales of hardship, what's there to even like? I always thought it was jealousy, before I realized that I had nothing to be jealous of. Well, sure I was sad he wasn't talking to me in vcs and he failed to uphold his promise of cuddling me after his math hw that night, but I would've felt that way, if it was any other girl. But it was much deeper than that. It was unbridled hatred mixed with disappointment. And I'm not proud of this hatred. I always prided myself on not hating anyone and forgiving them, but I can't find a single positive in G, other than the fact she's aromantic and even told him that she has no interest in him. Thank gods. Now that that's irrelevant, I was finally able to sort through all my qualms, to come to the conclusion I have.

Anyways, I had a drop in counseling appointment today, it went really well. Only 4 classes left! And I can apply for two degrees! That will look good on my resume. School is tomorrow/today(the 9th) and I hope it rains so I don't have to drive. Or even maybe walk to the bus stop. Oh that reminds me, I need to find a new hoodie or something for Xmas. Mine are years old. I am fine on the casual sweatshirts for now, but I only have one acceptable hoodie that I wouldn't feel embarrassed wearing. Ok, maybe I'm a little embarrassed by it, but I really do want a more plain one!

Also side note, One Piece is amazing! So funny! It makes me smile even on sad, dark days. Just because he's gone doesn't mean I should feel sad all the time, though deep down all I'm doing is repressing it. I wish he'd come back, but I'm scared of what he will say.

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