Entry 62: Aug 26th

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Today was a nothing day.

S didn't respond til later in the day. Questioned my motives indirectly as usual.

SD got home early. We all got into a call. It was filled with drama but calmed down after a bit. No activities tonight. Tried to stay in the call but data wouldn't allow it.

I an thinking of asking S for advice on what to do with SD. Maybe he will provide some good insight. I'll ask Ra about him too. But idk when me and her are gonna hang out again.

It was my second to last day of summer vacation. When I'm writing this, it technically is my last day of summer vacation. Sigh. It's going to be busy. I just want to relax but nooooo they're not gonna allow it. My dad especially. "We need to figure this out and that!" Sigh.

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