Entry 17: July 12th

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He didn't respond back today! What the heck dude! Driving with my mom was something else. We sorta got lost but we made our way back. I suck at parking as well. Ah well, I don't really care. Found out that someone in the server that I thought was 17 is actually 24(maybe older??). I had no clue! Makes me wonder how old the dude is, guess we will see. I hope he's 23 and below. I don't want to like anyone older than that. Makes me sort of scared.

I read someone's diary on Wattpad tonight. It was good and I teared up on one part. I'm back to reading my childhood fanfic I loved.

However, I WILL message the dude and tell him that if I'm doing something that makes him upset to let me know. To tell him that he doesn't have to ignore me. We can be friends! I won't be pushed around anymore I told myself. :)) I'll stay up til 6am let's do this!

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