Entry 13: July 8th

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Today we went out for dinner for my brother's birthday. It was Pizzeria Classico, a classic. They always pump out some good pizza and their half and half pesto and garlic chips are good.

No message from new dude today, have I come on too strong or is he busy? I don't want him to become number 7 or 8 so early! Am I just that painfully unlucky? I changed part of my bio on discord today so it also references Duncan. But what if he thinks it's about him? Oh well, if he asks I'll explain the Duncan situation. Both of them will come back, probably. I told myself I wouldn't message again til he responds, don't want to come off as desperate and it would be awkward to send another message after the last one was so long. I wonder what his excuse will be.

Update: it's been like 45 minutes since that last part. I feel like I should edit my message and shorten it. But also I feel like I should ask him about me. Every guy I've ever talked to has ran away or hurt me in some way. I'm not the problem but they make me think I am. But what if I ask him and he agrees? Guess we will find out. I'll stay up til 6 hopefully and if he hasn't responded I'll continue with my plan, if he has, I'll still go with the second part of this plan.

Update: 6am: I think the plan is stupid but I checked discord and still no reply. Definitelyyyyy came on too strong but hey I'm not the only one with long messages. I'm so unsure whether I should wait it out or not. But I should probably go to bed since I have to be up by 12 to go driving unfortunately. God driving sucks.

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