Entry 19: July 14th

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NO MESSAGE FROM HIM! I'm way too used to waiting for guys to respond back and way too cowardly to ask him to respond. It makes me sound needy and he doesn't need that impression of me.

I'm listening to "Fiend Like Me" by Stupendium. Now I know why I stopped listening to it. It's wayyyyyy too catchy. It stays in your head all day and the chorus is so dang good and evil! Mwhahahaha. And the pun at the end agsjekckdoekdi. And the set! I need to send it to everyone, god I love it.

Later ofc I'm going to read some more journals and ofc the last book of the amazing trilogy that I've been reading lately. Tonight's gonna be a good night. As for what to do with the guy, we will see.

My day in general was uneventful. My mom left for dinner with her friends today. We didn't end up going driving thankfully. Oh and Ra texted and we are gonna hang out on Tuesday! Can't wait to see her again and tell her of my guy troubles. Apparently the new sims horse pack coming is more universal than everyone thought. That's good! I'm going to watch the gameplay footage later as well.

Here's to hoping the guy responds back today!

If all the world's a stage, than I shall my my part! You may say it's cliche but I say that it's an art!
Every deck needs a knave to come and stack the cards
The world may be yours to save but it's mine to tear apart

Best lyrics EVER^

(Fowl Day chorus is so good too!)
Stupendium best artist EVER

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