Entry 46: Aug 10th

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Today was alright. Nothing exciting happened. But nothing bad either.

S sent me a photo of an Esper he thought was Kore but it turned out it wasn't. I feel genuinely bad that he got it wrong, he was so excited to share the leaks with me. Apparently S claims to have no self confidence even though that's not true in the slightest and I think he knows that. He's an amazing individual and I remind him of that every single day. I also taught him the "horseshoe theory". It's essentially a political theory where if you go to far right you end up on the left and vice versa. It's controversial bc the beliefs of those two opposing sides are different. The theory however states that the line becomes blurred pretty much. It was just something we learned in history courses briefly. I taught him the horseshoe theory because he doesn't accept my compliments about him being nice and humble, but in doing so, he is being nice and humble. If it makes sense. He claimed it did and ofc as always negated my points. That was pretty much our convo today.

As for SD, we chat a bit and he showed his chaotic side. He claims he trusts me enough. I find it flattering bc I literally told the truth after months of ghosting and the fact he only trusts me *now* is ironic. God, what is karma playing at? The other shoe is gonna drop I just know it. But I'll appreciate the happy moments when I can. SD also said that he hasn't responded to P wanting to be friends. And said he's thinking of blocking him. Karma's a b, P!

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