Entry 56: Aug 20th

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I really messed it up with S today. I pried and tried asking why he won't accept my compliments but he told me to drop it and that he doesn't feel the need to tell me. I just sent him an apology for prying and said if there's anything I can do for him, to let me know. Apparently he also likes McDonalds a lot. I also asked him if he ever wanted to vc SD, since SD said he wouldn't mind meeting him and he said no. I asked if it was a forever no and he said yes. Makes me sort of sad but I knew he'd say no.

I got in a vc today with my old friends in Vibe City. Later on during the night, two of them played Fortnite and so it was me and A. I managed to get SD to join though and that really livened the spirits. He was drunk though. But it made for fun convo and I think he made a good first impression.

I really like how caring SD is. He makes up for all the bad times with S. I really have to try to have good convos with S, he doesn't really engage and gives one word answers or emotes, but with SD he at least tries. I feel bad for saying that though bc S is like this irl too and I don't think it's by his choice really. It's just who he is naturally perhaps. So I try to give the benefit of the doubt.

As for my son, no news. We didn't really talk today I think.

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