Entry 35: July 30th

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Me and S talked for 4 hours this morning! It was the best 4 hours I've had in a long time! And this, of course, solidified my feelings for him. I can't deny it any longer. Another thing got solidified in those 4 hours, I'm really into his sassiness. And I love love love when he's open and discusses his family or his past with me. I love everything about him really. It's just sad that a relationship with him will never become a reality. I'm gonna bide my time with a confession though. I'm gonna get to know him more and more so that when I do get friendzoned it won't be as bad. I've also decided that I'm eventually gonna ask him to sass me more because I like it so much. I like it in many ways. It's like his way of showing affection. Maybe I'll ask for more headpats too. S is amazing. My best friend online. He's everything<3.

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