Entry 29: July 24th

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After waiting all day, S finally responded. He acknowledged the previous things I said and also apologized for not responding. He apparently got drunk and had a hangover on Monday (yesterday). For some reason I find that kind of hot? What is wrong with me?!!!

I went and drove and picked up my grandma today. She had dinner with us and I dropped her off at home as well. I didn't make any mistakes! Well driving mistakes. I was careful! I did get sort of lost despite using google maps. The ac in the car was like completely amazing. Like it actually kept me cool and sort of freezing. I asked my parents if the ac was fixed and they said they didn't do anything. My mom says it's bc the weather was cooler today but there's no way that's true! My dad also turned on my data so I could use google maps. But he prob turned it off and I don't want to find out.

As for S, I told him that I'll tell him about the events of the last few days once he responds back to my writing. All he said was "alrighty" or something. I think that's my phrase! Damn I should've called him out. He does give short responses I've noticed but I'm giving the benefit of the doubt based on what's he's told me about his personality.

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