Entry 49: Aug 13th

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S was very mean today. Though I'm not sure if it's because I've been feeling extra sensitive or not. I told him two dreams I had about him and he didn't even respond or acknowledge them. It was heartbreaking. He even called me "stupid". It hurts a lot. It's like all he sees is a dumb 21 yr old, that acts like a teenager. However I'd say I'm pretty mature for my age. Do I have a lot to learn? Definitely. But I'm not out making poor decisions or being immature in conversations. I think S just had an "off day" as SD put it. I asked him what was wrong but he didn't reply. I think he went to bed since it was pretty late for him. It hurt a lot to be his punching bag. I told him I'd be fine with being a punching bag if I knew what was bothering him. Hopefully I'll get a decent answer tomorrow. Hopefully an apology too.

SD was fine today. Nothing tea worthy. He likes to ramble and I love it when people ramble so that was fun. Made me laugh a few times and it made me feel a bit better about the whole S thing.

Today we celebrated my dads birthday. He lashed out at my mom. It reminded me of what happened with S just moments before. It's a definite sign. My dad didn't like the cake either. I can tell my mom felt bad. My dad didn't like the cake because he has COVID. He said the cake (orange cake) burned the back of his throat. I felt bad. Tbh though, I didn't like the cake much myself. At first I thought it/thought my mom was making strawberry cake but it wasn't. In fact the cake tastes like lemon.

My brother said I left my wallet in the car. So after dinner I quickly went out and grabbed it. Apparently no one heard me, despite the garage door being super loud and the fact I didn't close the door all the way. It only took less than a minute but still.

My mom during dinner said my hair looked better than normal today. Less greasy she means. She said the top looked good, the bottom of my hair obviously not bc I didn't take a shower today but still! I thought she was being sarcastic or joking at first. She wasn't.

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