Entry 18: July 13th

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Today was calm, finally. No response from the dude though! I really need to come up with a nickname for him. Hmmmm. That's a future me problem. I ofc didn't message him. Mainly bc I want to see how long it takes for him to message back. But when he does, I'll let him have it. I might message and say that he shouldn't test the waters given my past experiences. I just feel bad calling him out because he said he's bad at socializing. But there's no excuse for ignoring someone. I'll think of the right thing to say.

In other news me and my mom might head to Michaels together so I can practice driving around town and parking(mainly parking). I've had plenty of in town driving practice with my dad already. I'm tired of it.

I've also been thinking about giving exclusive chapters to my friends or specific days in my past. There's a lot of context needed to understand my motives and apprehensions towards guys and life in general. Idk. I'll probably do it but not at the moment. Feeling quite lazy lately.

The journals/diaries I've been reading for inspiration really hit the spot. I feel for those poor people back in 2015. Yes, 2015, that's how long ago the recent ones have been. Ofc that's when they started, some of them are as recent as 2019-2023! Hopefully this one becomes memorable.

Starting book 2 of my fav snape fanfic. It's both what I remember and don't remember. Maybe I'll update if I feel like I'm going to explode out of "omg-ness"(excitement). :))

3:56am: Her best friend died....yup I remember that part and I vaguely remember the funeral.....my heart hurts :((

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