Entry 26: July 21st

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If S hasn't responded back to me, I'm going to tell him the truth about me. I'm going to tell him how I'm probably most definitely the problem. I'm going to tell him that it's a mistake talking to me. I'm going to tell him how it's the same thing every time. I'm going to tell him the story of my past loves. I'm going to tell him that the reason why I'm so worried about doing wrong with him is because I'm scared I'm going to make the same mistake again. I don't want to lose another friend. He makes me feel like I always have to do right, which is a good thing. He makes me want to confess.


In other news, driving was alright today with my mom. I made sims mistakes in town but none on the freeway.

S also didn't really talk to me today. He must be super busy! But as I said last entry, he said he will read my other writing. His compliment about my writing lives rent free in my head :)))))))). It's one of the few he's given me. He also said some time ago that he thinks I'm nice, kind, and enjoyable to talk to. Or something. I forget the first word. :))). But part of me thinks that he doesn't enjoy talking to me. I know I just said he said he does but his responses are so serious. Then again, he even said he "shall" listen to the songs I recommended him. I didn't even have to convince him. Although after that message at 1:02pm my time, he didn't respond to anything back. Hopefully he will be free on the weekend. Aka today/tomorrow. I miss talking to him and the insecure side of me makes me think I did something wrong. This might be a bigger challenge than K or even my ex, P. I'm still unsure of whether I have feelings for him but I guess we will find out.

My day was bland. Nothing exciting happened. Although I should try to figure out how to send my writing. It is the weekend and I want to be ready! Especially if he takes this long to respond. Gotta make sure I send it asap so that he can......omg I got an idea. What if I made a work/writing about how I feel? It wouldn't clog up our text messages and it would be interesting to discover. I just feel bad for trauma dumping on him though. I think I'm gonna write it out now.

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