Entry 44: Aug 8th

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Nothin excited happened today either but I'm doing good still. However, I did have an early morning doctors appointment. My mom drove in front of me and I followed. There was a bunch of construction going on on the road in front of the neighborhood that's oh so conveniently located close to the office. I did well though, made no mistakes. Turns out I already had all my shots needed for uni, but I did make an appointment for my physical.

S was good as always. Me and him discussed my dislyte builds and I was pretty embarrassed. But he's very willing to help me and that's really nice of him. I also shared some funny HP videos with him and he thanked me for the laughs. He's just so kind I don't get how he came to be that way but I'm grateful.

At one point he had to leave for a moment and I wonder what happened. S has been acting slightly different ever since that unfortunate confession happened. Only slightly though.

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