Entry 57: Aug 21st

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S accepted my apology. "No worries" he said. I messaged back as soon as I woke up but didn't get a response til much later in the day, or should I say...night. It was only bc I sent *another* message that he responded. It was of a dumb thing someone had sent in the server. I also asked him how he said "grass" bc I had a dream that two British dudes that were making fun of someone that made "grass cake" when they were younger couldn't say "grass". He told me to use google pronounce or something and I couldn't find it. He teased me for it, I think. But ye. We didn't talk at all today really....

Meanwhile me and SD talked all day pretty much. He brought up what we were. He thinks he's friendzoned. I guess he is. Since I like S......I guess. I liked S when he spoke in longer sentences. More than one sentence. With emotion.......I wish I had that S. I want to bring it up with him, but I already made one mistake of overstepping boundaries. Sigh.

Me and my son didn't talk much today. He showed some cool paintings he has in his room.

I was in a call again today. I managed to unite everyone with the whiteboard app. It was a rare W on my end. I told S about it. Wonder what he will say. Hopefully I get some praise! Pls pls pls be more than a sentence. Please S, do it for me,

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