chapter 1||is she really the only girl?

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here I was running through the maze with minho and ben I was way faster then both of them we already knew that there wasn't a way out of this hell hole so when ever we ran the maze we would look for things like griever hideouts and building supplies and even today there was a new greenie coming up in the box, I do the welcoming because alby and newt are too soft and gally and minho are to rough. well me and newt kinda had this not dating-dating thing I mean we hooked up once but we promised to never do it again. and I plan on sticking to that. we do kiss openly and cuddle but whats the future we have here? there is nothing for us I know we can't be here forever, because what happens when the creators die? or what happens when there are no more greenies to send up? at some point we had to get out of here thats all I knew and not many of the boys would agree with me expectly not gally he hates change. fucking dud.

"hey rory! quit dreaming over there!" minho yelled at me while ben snickered "shut up shank." I said and catched up to the boys. "I bet you were day dreaming about newt" ben said smirking and minho nugged my shoulder. "I was not!" I frowned and folded my arms. "yeah sure just don't be to loud at night I intend to get my sleep." minho said with a smug grin while ben just laughed in the background. "we have not done that!" I shouted "yeah not yet." he said and pushed me a little and ran away from me and to back to the glade laughing. "hey get back here ass hat!" I yelled and got up and ran after him and ben followed behind.

after a while of chasing minho we got back to the front of the glade where newt,alby,chuck and well the newbie were there,he had black hair,brown eyes and a resting bitch face, he looked around 16 and he had a confused look on his face. just by looking at him I knew this was going to be a pain in the ass. I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile and I walked over to them while death glaring minho.

 "damn rory  what did he do this time" chuck said with a small chuckle in his voice. I rolled my eyes with a smile and walked up to the greenie and I put my hand out for him to shake "green bean this is aurora also known as rory she's the second in command and also a runner." alby said introducing us the greenie did not look pleased to see or meet me.

 "whats a runner?"

"is that a girl?"

"is that the only girl?" 

"is she really the only girl" 

"how am I here?"

"who are you?"

"who put us here?"

"what is this place?"

"where am I?"




"why can't I remember anything?!" he screamed in all our faces. jesus christ. this kid was off his rocker and lucky me I had to answer all those damn questions.

 I gave him a bitter smile while he finally shook my hand. "there you go ass hat" I said with bitter petty tone witch sent the greenie to shock "what did you say?" he asked a raised his eyebrows 

"I didn't stutter now did I?" I crossed my arms and death glared him up and down, while newt and alby and chuck just watched with a amused look on their face 

"and now you've learned one of the most important lessons, never give aurora a attitude" alby said leading the greenie away from me. and whispered in his ear a little. 

newt walked up to me and smiled while the boys were talking alby telling him to hold is tongue or I'd tear it out.  "well another normal greeting love?" he said with a sweet sumg smile. he gave me a quick kiss and walked away with alby and the others.

thomas walked up to me like he was about to throw a tantrum "I'm sorry...." he said like it couldn't have been more forced. "no your not but I'll make you sorry and If I don't they will." I said referring to gally and minho. he still had a half annoyed and half shocked look on his face. 

"now this is how this is going to go. you are going to ask me some questions I'll answer them if I know it, then I'll show you around explain your daily routine and then chuck will help you set up your sleeping area and then you'll met everyone at the bonfire got it?" I asked with my arms crossed. he started to talk but then I spoke up again knowing what he was going to ask me.        "and your name it'll come back to you at some point." I finished and looked back up at him preparing my self to ask the question "now do you have any questions?" I asked still with my bitter smile. he opened his mouth and it went off again.

"why are you so mean?"

"how are you the only girl?"

"are you dating that blonde guy?"

"how old are you?"

"why am I here?"

"why are you here?"

"what is this place?"

"are you the only girl?"

"why are you the only girl?"

"how does this work?"

"whats the thing surrounding us?"

"whats a runner?"

"how are you a runner"

"what do runner's do?" 

"hello?!" he asked all at once. I took a deep breath and looked down and up at him "I said some questions." I crossed my arms and breathed again.

"1. I am not mean I'm just up front."

"2. I don't know how I'm the only girl>"

"3. thats none of your damn business. so stay in your lane greenie." 

"4. I am 16."

"5,6 I don't know. what do I look like a know it all?"

"7. its called the glade and 8. the thing surrounding it is called the maze."

"and again I don't know the others now shut your yapper and go over there with that little boy and leave me alone" I said walked off.

"but..I-"   "shut up." the greenie walked away with a defeated look on his face. 

newt was waiting for me and hugged me "how was the greenie? and how was your run?" he asked when we pulled apart "It was fine he's not the worse I've had and as for the run.. we didn't find anything." I said with a fake smile. 

the last time we found anything was when we found the letter in my pocket with some random supplies that came up with me in the box all that we found our from that in the maze was the same logo on the letter sent to me on a watch on my wrist It had big bold letters that said the agnes safe zone TAGSZ for sort and a big red circle with a "A" on it witch that was different from the one that we get on our supplies from the box it always has WCKD. on it we never put much thought into it and just let it be at that. 

newt's face softened and he cupped my face with his hands "don't worry love,it will be alright." he said with a smile and walked me over to my hut and gave me a kiss at the end of the door "get some rest I'll wake you up in time for the bonfire" he said a blew me a kiss and walked out the door.   

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