Chapter 38||geodes

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.·:*¨༺𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕༻¨*:·.

"alright assholes get up." I scoff while kicking them in the back along with vera helping me. thomas groans and pushed himself up. "your in a mood." 

"to find minho?  yes thomas yes I am now get up so when can go." I sneer and flip my backpack on my back. 

I hear thomas mumbling some useless insults behind me as I roll my eyes and sigh.

"he's just tired rory give him a break." newt says with an even bigger sigh. "I'll give him a break when he understands that he was an idiot for thinking he could mange with just three other people let alone think he was going to handle it on his own. he's a stubborn little dick." I frowned and walked past newt with annoyance. 

"sounds like someone I know." he says softly. "excuse me?" I huffed.

"the stubborn part not the dick part." he says quickly to defend himself. 

"yeah I got that." I scoff and walk away even faster to jorge and ryan.

"hey there." ryan smiles cheeklishly "don't start." I threatened as he chuckled "please please children." jorge rolls his eyes and continues leadings us somewhere. 

"hey jorge do you even know where we are?" brenda asks. "yeah I definitely do." he says holding up the map proudly. 

"the map is upside down." I scoff and grab the map from him and turn it around. "I was still right!" he tried to defend himself. 

"is that what the upside down map said?" vera asked with a scoff and brenda and I chuckled as jorge pouted. 

"maybe briar should lead the way she's been in a fancy city like this before." fry said. 

"well its she hasn't been outside the walls." jorge agrued.

"yeah but she has a brain." ryan says with a smirks. 

"and she's not reading it backwards." constance adds with a grin. 

"I could but right now we are outside the walls so we just need to find somewhere to sleep and draw less attention." I explained.

"and this time we mean it thomas." newt says referring to the time in the wicked buildings. "that time I saved us!" thomas pouted. 

"that time thomas not the other 32." brenda scoffed. "you weren't there!" he argued. "your making your case worse buddy." vera chuckled. 

"hey I saved you life that time!" he said and crossed his arms at started to whine like a toddler. "your idea saved her your noodle arms didn't." I said with a small laugh. thomas and jorge both stood behind us and shared complaints about us as fry and newt looked like they would rather be anywhere else then here.

"alright there's a hidden place back here from all the cameras just put your hoods on so we can pass by." I say and pull the hood of my hoodie up as other's do the same I pull val's up next while she's asleep. 

we all rush to a oak tree and set our things under it while we drink water and set up for the night.

"love. your out of water." newt says as he hands me his water flask. "no. it's your water and we don't know when we'll get more save it for your self." I say as I put val down on my backpack I brush her hair out of her sweaty face as she looks so helpless as she lies down.

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