Chapter 12|| burn bitches.

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[A/N]: hey everyone! so this chapter will be kinda long. so sorry about that and this first part will be written in third person. 

If you don't know what third person means!:

If you don't know what third person means!:

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after janson had spoken with briar and thomas, he had gotten called to go over briar's files and test results. 

"what is the meaning of this?" janson asked in a cranky tone (no pun intended). the anxious scientist stood around dr. crawford holding test results. "we found something on one of  the new arrivals." dr adam explained.

"well what is it?" janson asked. he was tired of everyone giving false hopes for a cure. "we gave her the flare, the flu, and strep. she hasn't had it in her veins, her system kills it in a instant." dr crawford says and janson's face lights. "who is this and what is her subject number?" he asks. and when he does they cross their arms nervously and they take a deep breath.

"well go on." janson says getting annoyed. 

"aurora agnes, A0, age 16, group b and a." dr crawford reads briar's file. janson smirks "and why was that so hard?" he asks. "that's dr. paige's granddaughter." dr adam says. "and? dr. paige hates her granddaughter, aurora is a bastard and a disappointment. she won't mind it. so start the blood draw." he orders 

"her blood needs more to cure other's we need to redeem her memories." dr. nora says. "alright well we'll give her a day or two to fit in and trust us the we'll take her during the night." Janson says and grabs his clipboard and gets ready to announce the names for the "safe place." 

 {hey so I hope you enjoyed that! and it looks like briar is going to have a interesting ride! so everyone else strap in while I traumatize her! and know back to her pov!}

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

as I walked out of janson's office I met with thomas and we we're taken by two guards who lead us to some doors. 

"hey rory. you alright?" he asks with a smile. I nodded even though it wasn't true at all. "yeah tommy I'm fine." I say and keep my arms crossed. "what did they ask you about?" he asked. 

"just some stuff about the maze what about you?" I asked. 

"you." thomas told me. "what?" I asked and raised my eye brows. "they would not shut up about what was going on between us and how we knew each other and all about you." he says and rolls his eyes "of course they did." I say and lower my arms as they open a door to a cafeteria. 

"briar! thomas!" minho yells out and walks over to me and thomas. I gave him a smiling nod. "what took you shanks so long?" he asks with a grumpy/smirky tone. "extra questions for us." I say and roll my eyes. "huh. that's usually thomas's specialty." minho says with a grin. and I giggled while thomas rolled his eyes and got all grumpy. "are two ever going to drop it?" he asks with a annoyed tone "no never." I say and grab his arm. 

"well come sit we weren't the only maze!" he says and sits us down with a black boy, and a hispanic boy and  a girl with strawberry blonde hair. then a gingered hair girl, who I felt like I knew. 

I sat down next to newt and one of the girls flashed me a dirty look and I gave her one right back and kissed newt. 

"Ah please take your smooching somewhere else." frypan says squinting his eyes. I giggle a little and look around "where's teresa?" I asked and started to realize she wasn't here. "oh she needed more help." minho says. 

I nodded and one of the kids cleared his throat "so uhm what are your names?" he asked with a awkward smile. 

"aurora but call me briar." 






we all say and turn to them "what about you?" thomas asks.





they say and beatrice the girl who gave me the dirty look snorted at me "so I assume you two are dating?" she asks pointing to me and newt.

me and newt start to blush and I nod. "yeah we are." I say with a smile and and newt kisses my cheek. 

"I wasn't asking you sunflower. I was asking him" she said and ran her fingers through newts hair and my blood started bolling and a grabbed her wrist. "don't try it hon." I say and squeeze her wrist. 

"oh shit."

"this ain't gonna go well."

"I bet on briar snaps her wrist." minho says and pulls out a thing he stole from the helicopter. "ha! deal." fry says and they turn over to me and her death staring each other.

"you can't do that." she grunts and I cackle and look down at her "aww that cute well I've had to shot things that are twice my size. meaning I could easily take out yours zombie ass." I say and minho starts chuckling. 

"whatever, he probably only liked you because you were the only girl." she scoffs and folds her arms as I let her arm go. "so come on cutie try other girls out." she says with a smirk and tucks her hair behind her ear and looks at newt. 

"oh fuck she's done now." fry whispers in luke's ear while newt just stood there frozen. 

"listen your flakey ass couldn't have handled to be in the maze like me and I may have a cold attitude but at the right time I will light a bitch to ashes." I say with smirk and grab her hand and yank her towards me.

"never try that again hun." I say and sit back in newts lap and he wraps him arms around me. he moves his mouth to my ear "jealous huh?" he whispers and hugs my waist. I roll my eyes and kiss him and the girl scoffs and goes to sit down with another boy and girl. both the boy and the girl looked like they did not want her there. 

suddenly janson comes out with a clip board. "alright you all know how this works. I call each and some names and you come up in a single file line when you hear your name." he says and pulls up a paper to read a list. 









"and vera." he calls out and a blonde girl and beatrice stand up and get in line.

"what was that all-" before newt can say anything thomas walks up and starts walking to the door. 



"hey teresa!" thomas shouts out and I stand up and storm to him to hold him back from doing something stupid. a guard stops him before he can get outside of the door. "hey! stop kid." the man says and holds his hand out to thomas. 

"hey thats my friend! what are you doing to her!" he asks and looks over at teresa.

"they just need to run a few tests on her." the man says calmly. 

"is she ok?" he asks and quickly come up behind him and start to lead him away.

"yeah." the guard says while I lead him away.

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