Chapter 4||No one survives a night in the maze

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It had been two days I hadn't run the maze since the "incident" no one really had expected me to anyways I hadn't left my room in two days newt was with me for most of it and I'm pretty sure when he wasn't here chuck was here or thomas was here asking questions of course but I could tell he still cared about me and that he had good intentions. everyone else was whispering about what happened even asking newt if I was cheating on him with ben. I relived that moment every night in bed trying to make sense of it I didn't let newt touch me for a while and whenever he would try I would get to nervous and I would move away so for a while he stopped trying, I was felling better then I was a few days ago. I had gotten newt clothes because before greenies come we ask the creators to send us new clothes we might need for the newbie's we get both boys and girls so I am getting a new set of clothes. newt was talking with alby and bringing me the clothes while I sat in the corner of my bed holding my legs, I had been in newts jacket the whole time just wrapped in it like a baby for some reason it gave me comfort. newt came in and stood over me "how are you doing love?any better? do you want to talk to me?" he asked and stroked my hair and I let him for a while and rested my head in his hand. "Do you uhm need your jacket back?" I asked getting ready to give it to him. he shook his head "it looks better on you anyways love." he whispered and kissed my forehead. "I brought your clothes for you." he said and handed me the new clothes. I walked into the very small bathroom in my hut and got changed it felt better to not feel like I'm wearing nothing under newts jacket, after I got done changing I walked to newt and cleared my throat "I-I'm done" I said and looked down and up at him he got up and smiled at me and hugged me close "you look amazing as always love." he said and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek "get some rest take a much time as you need love." he whispered and helped me back into bed.

"no newt I'm going to run the maze." I said. "what no! you can't do that! your in pain you need rest rory!" he said and tried to hold me back "I've been resting for two days newt what happened wasn't a big deal plus it can wait. I need to run the maze its my job, and it needs to be done." I said newt sighed and let me go "fine but no more extra work and your resting when you get back." he said and left the room while I put my running gear on.

I ran over to alex and minho alex still looked really sick but he had to fill in for me "wait alex you need some rest I got this, are you ready minho?" I asked and fixed my hair in a ponytail. minho just looked confused. "I said are you ready to go?!" I asked and crossed my arms minho slowly nodded and nugged alex to go back to his hut "are you sure- I mean is newt ok with this?" he asked awkwardly while we stood in front of the maze. "yeah why well I pushed him to let me go but its not his choice and I kind of understand why he doesn't want me to go but its just the normal run nothing bad will happen" I said playing with the straps of my gear. "uhhhh no its not. we are running ben's tracks" he said my face dropped "Wait what?! why would we do that? is he in the maze?" I asked angrily. at that point minho had put it together that I didn't know what he meant. "minho what happened!?" I asked. minho had a nervous look on his face and looked down at the ground "well......ben got banished for what he did." minho gulped and just started into my angry eyes "why wasn't he just but in the slammer?" I asked with furry in my voice. "well he had the changing so they banished him into the maze." minho said still feeling very awkward I was annoyed but I knew that it was because newt probably wanted it and made it happen.

"alright well lets go." I sighed deeply and we ran into the maze.

[A/N]: this next part will be written in newt's pov and there will be another note when its back to aurora or someone else.

I was doing my job feeling very anxious, it was almost sunset and briar was still not back thomas and alby were all giving me worried and awkward looks. "their still not back yet newt." thomas said with a sad look on his face he did seem to care but he had more questions then anything else. "their going to be back just got a little tied up they'll be back I know it." I said and crossed my arms and laid back against the garden fence. alby came over and excused thomas and stood next to me "newt the doors are going to close soon I think-" he started.

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