Chapter 8||We lost everything.

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I heard distant screaming and me and newt looked up at each other "we have to go we need to save them newt....we can't let them die." I said in a worried soft tone. newt nodded and helped me up I grabbed my bow and arrow and newt grabbed a stick and we got up ran to help gladers I shot a arrow at a griever that was attacking thomas and minho and  it fell to the ground immediately. they looked up at me "thanks." they muttered while I stood next to them and aimed my arrow at the grievers in front of  us "newt do me a favor and check on the people in the box if they are fine leave them if not bring them to the council hut." I ordered and newt reluctantly nodded and ran to the box while me,thomas and minho fought the griveres.

"thanks your majesty." minho said sarcasticly "what on earth to you mean asshole." I grunted while grabbing a jar-candle and throwing it at the griever "we're you just going to hide like a princess until it was over?" minho said with a annoyed tone while he hit the griever "are you choosing now to be dick?" I asked and shot the grivere with an arrow and it hit the ground. "how the hell does that arrow work every time?!" minho asked while more griveres charged towards us. "I poisoned the arrows it kills anything I shot." I said and I pulled another arrow out to use. minho and thomas just stood staring at me "unless you wanna become griever dinner I suggest you help me out." I said and rolled my eyes and hit the griever again. "we could've used that before!" minho argured "yeah well I didn't want to waste them,plus its more useful now." I said and shot the arrow. "whatever. I still think-" 

"good minho shut up! briar how much more arrows do you have left?" thomas asked and through a spear at a griever. 

"about 10 more why?" I asked and and grabbed a spear and threw it at one chasing some gladers. "how many grievers are there left?" he asked. "I don't know!" I yelled and we started to run backwards. "because there's five over there trying to chase chuck and jeff." thomas said pointing to three grievers chasing the boys "oh shit! alright both of you handle them I handle the rest for now take the other boys into the council room I'll get the others and met you there." I said minho and thomas quickly nodded and ran of to go help.

just then two grievers cornered me I grabbed my arrow out and lifted it up to shot, but before anything could happen both of the grievers started to wail in pain and I ran through them to see teresa and newt standing in front of me

 "I made it clear that you were not supposed  to die out there, didn't I?" newt said and grabbed my arm and we started running "sorry..thanks for saving me love." I said and continued running away. "well no problem rosey." teresa said annoyed "right sorry thanks tess." I said and we ran into the council room. 

"briar!" chuck jumped up and hugged me "aww hi chuck. whats the matter?" I asked and patted chucks back as he hugged me "I'm really scared briar." he said shaking I looked down and sat down with him and held him close to my cest "it's ok chuck, we are going to be alright." I said and alby bent down to me. "I guess I chose the perfect second and command, rory I'm proud of you." he said with a smile "I see your back to normal." I said everyone still shaking with fear from the grievers. he smiled a little bit and got up to go talk to thomas. I got up and moved away from chuck and looked around the room for alex I turned to fry "fry where is alex?" I asked worriedly everyone exchanged sad looks and then shook there head. "he's gone briar.." winston said  My face dropped, alex was our youngest runner and someone who looked up to me, yet he was killed and I couldn't help. there was a big silence that filled the room.

suddenly a griever's arm smashes into the hut and grabs chuck we all quickly go to help grab his arm. "hold on chuck!" thomas yells pulling onto chucks arm "yeah no shit!" he yells back I go behind thomas and hold onto his back and pull him and chuck, alby lunges at the griever with a stick and breaks some part and the stinger comes out and it lets chuck go. as we were all catching our breath chuck mutters "thanks alby." and alby nods leading to a moment of silence. That was broken by another arm reaching and grabbing alby, before I could even turn around thomas held onto alby's arm and pulled him back, all alby did was shake his head at us "thomas! let go! get them out of here all of them! briar take care of the-........" he was cut of and taken and thomas grip faded.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" he shouted and ran outside "wait thomas come back!" I yelled and me and teresa chased him. we ran outside to go get him and the grievers they were gone.. we looked around at our glade it was destroyed. I looked at my hut,alby's hut and everywhere. "we lost everything........." I muttered and we went into silence, that was quickly broken by an angry gally marching to thomas "gally don't even think-" before I finished gally punched thomas square in the face.  me and teresa ran to thomas and checked on him while newt and minho held him back while he screamed.

"its all his fault!"

"he did it!"

"he killed alby!"

"he killed alex!" 

"he killed ben!"

"he killed zart!" 

"he killed all of them!"

"and he hurt briar to!"

"This is all him!"

"as soon as he came he ruined things!"

"don't you see! they sent him up here to ruin ever thing and now he has!" gally yelled trying to get lose but newt and minho were to strong I grabbed a napkin out of my belt and pushed it on his eye, "don't worry thomas it's ok..." I whispered and helped him get up chuck was sitting by him and helped me clean his wound "briar I did this he's right....." thomas said sadly I shook my head "no! this can't be your fault!" I said and gally broke lose and charged towards thomas I quickly blocked him in time for newt and minho and fry to grab him again. "gally this isn'this fault listen to me!" I yelled and we all started talking over him and thomas stood up and held the griever stinger in his hands and jammed it into his leg "Thomas!" I yelled and we let go of gally and rushed to him "I'm sorry I have to rememb-" before he could finish I cut him off "you fucking idiot!" I yelled. 

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