Chapter 41||back in the walls.

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gally opened a door and we walked out of it to reveal the big ass city where I used to live also where my father and my brother was killed and where my grandma pretty much told me I should die. 

great. yippeeeeee

I walked through a crowd of people as we found our way to a empty area. "here gimme water." I said and gally placed water in my hand I rubbed it all over my neck "cover your ears." 

"what why?-"

suddenly a loud bang and wiring started to go off in our ears. "what the hell was that!?" gally snarled. 

"disabling the cameras." I said and pointed up to the cameras up on a lamp post. "oh." newt says seeming out of breath.

"come on let me lead the way." I say and push my way in front of gally and walk to a spot near a apartment. I jumped up on the latter as everyone followed me up. "where are you taking us?" gally asked.

"when me and teresa were little we built a hide out whenever ava was angry." I said and I climbed to the roof and unlocked a shed on top of the roof where food, teddy bears, necklace's, toys I've had since I was four. 

"what the fuck." gally said as he looked around. I smashed a floor bored open and there was a bunch of guns and bullets and ropes and more weapons. 

"grab whatever we need there is fresh water out back we can fill the cups up." I said as they packed the shed out. 

I walked over to a telescope and looked out the window into wicked's towers. "gally. you said you have a plan what is it?" I asked looking around at all the sad kids walking through the building. 

"let me show you." he said and grabbed the telescope and moved over a little and smiled. "there." he said and I looked in the telescope that was pointed at a window where my sister was working. I backed up and nodded then thomas looked and shock his head.

"I said I had a plan never said you would like it." gally said and patted thomas's back.

   .·:*¨༺𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘༻¨*:·.

"no no way there has to be a different way." thomas said and I rolled my eyes. "thomas look around you does it look way we have any other choice?" I say. 

"Why are so ok with this that's your sister I know she betrayed us but you should love her!" thomas said. and I started to get angry I walked over to him and grabbed his shirt.

"don't tell me who I should love asshole." I said and let him go and sat down in a chair.

"but we-"

"am I missing something here? this the same girl who betrayed us correct? same dick?" brenda scoffed. 

"I like her." gally said and chuckled.

"whats going on with you thomas-" 

"yeah thomas? afaid your little girlfriend is gonna get hurt?" newt asked and stood up with anger in his eyes.

"no but yours might. half of those people are looking to kill her and you don't care!" 

"shut up!" newt yells and slams thomas against the wall. "we have been looking for minho for months now! and now we finally have a chance to get him back and you don't want to because of her?!" I feel my heart sink as newt yells. 

"I've always cared and loved aurora so don't ever try to tell me that I don't care about her." newt adds and lets thomas go as he leaves the room and walks outside. 

"newt-" I tried to grab his arm. "I'll fix it." thomas says and patts my shoulder and follows newt out.

"sorry about that back there." newt says and thomas nods "it's fine..."

"I guess I can't hide this anymore." newt says and lifts his sleeve up to show black vines crawling up his arm.

"why didn't you tell me?" thomas asks while looking really nervous. "didn't think it would make a difference...all I know is wicked put me in the maze for a reason. probably to separate people like you and aurora from me and winston." newt explains to a hurt thomas.

"we can still fix this newt. okay we can." thomas says trying to convince himself more then newt. "don't worry about me." newt sighs and looks out into the sky. "did I ever tell you how I hurt my leg?" newt asks thomas.

"no." thomas response and waits for newt to tell him. "well when I first came up when I was 14 I was a scared greenie just like you, when I met minho and aurora at the time they were the only runners and I spent a lot of time with aurora but at the time she was with someone else. and they were treating her really badly that she started to stop talking to me because he was jealous well I felt alone I was scared and that same day I waited for the sun to rise up and I snuck into the maze and found the tallest part and climbed it and I jumped, later on minho found me after aurora took a break from running but minho he had to run anyways and thats where he found me, he took me to the med jacks and when I asked him not to tell anyone about how it happened. he listened and I still remember aurora's face when she saw me she ran to me and I will alway remember her telling me if I ever scared her like that she'd kill me. later on her dick boyfriend was banished for stealing food." newt explained and as he laid everything on thomas. thomas just got more and more shocked.

"that's why minho comes first and if there is even a slightest chance we can save him we have to take it." newt said and thomas nodded in understanding.

"thank you for telling me newt." thomas said and they looked out in the sky. 

"hey guys?" I asked and walked through the door. "everything ok?" I asked and newt nodded and walked over to me and hugged me. "everything is fine love." newt says and strokes my hair.

thomas nods and walks inside. "yeah I'm agreeing to the plan." thomas says as he walks pasted us and talks to the others. 

"well newt you did it how?" I asked with a giggle. "just told him a story." newt said bluntly and continued to play with my hair.

"are we gonna talk?" 

"oh so now you wanna talk?" newt asked with a chuckle and I frowned. "shut up!" I snarled and pushed him a little.

"we'll talk later love." he says and hugs me closer. 

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