Chapter 22|| WICKD

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aurora named after the dawn.

newt named after a lizard. 

a love story. 

but this isn't a story this was my life I am aurora, the dawn of half sunshine and moon light. a lover but now I'm a fighter. 

now I'm fighting my flesh and blood my grandmother ava paige. 

she is nothing!

newt is everything  

and I am love.

the most precious thing there was yet I was swung around on a carousel. 

but not for long one day dawn turns into dusk. 

and now I am the dusk.

I wrote my paper and folded it and ripped it off the page and gave it to jorge before I was on my knees bowing to the monster that is my grandmother and she walked out with a sly smile on her face as she stepped to me "Aurora." my she said stepped out of the closer to me. I was angry,hurt,terrified and all those emotions were at her. 

"I'm so happy you came to you senses." she said with a smirk and two guards came behind her and walked over behind me and grabbed me and pushed me in the helicopter, they threw me on the floor and slammed my mouth against the metal landing making my mouth bleed. 

ava was chuckling above me and slapped my across the face. "get a grip child." she said coldly and picked me off the floor again just to slam me back onto it. 

the same guards picked me up and took me to a bunkbed  where I was tied down to a bed and and a uncomfortable one at that, before they left I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. 

I heard them laughing,mocking me in their mind I was a weak child with no power but they had no idea what was coming. 

they finally left and I started to untie my hands before, suddenly  they come back in my room "get her up. we are here. at the base." ava ordered and I felt two cold arms pick me up and take me away I kept my eyes slightly open to learn how to escape. "we will draw her blood in two days get ready to release all the subjects." 

she said and I could hear her heels slamming against the floor I wanted to snatch it off her foot and shove it in her neck. 

as they walked me through the hall I held my breath watching every exit I could find and looking at large lab ahead of me all I had to was escape before they drew to much blood. 

then everything would be fine. and I could get back to my life, my friends, my family and newt.

.·:*¨༺ 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ༻¨*:·.

"what the hell did they do with her?!" newt asked angrily. "newt calm down." teresa said putting her hand on her forehead. "the hell do you mean calm down!? she's missing! and we just saw wicked! for all we know they have already killed her! and drew her for every drop of blood she has!" he said huffeing ready to kill someone, or a couple of them at least. 

when finally jorge opened the door and walked around them "how are you kids hanging?" he asked with a smirk. 

"thats not funny." minho whined "my head really hurts." he said with a pouty frown. "oh grow up child." vera responded "" newt asked angrily interrupting everyone  "she's fine kid." jorge responded "I didn't ask if she was fine or not I asked where she was." newt would cross is arms if he wasn't hanging upside down.

"she traded her self in for wickd.." he said. "she did. what?!" newt shouted. "she'll be fine." 

"no are you insane? she's going to die we have to get her out! " newt shouted again. "let us out now!" newt demanded.  "newt!" teresa yelled trying to shut newt up. "what?! she is in danger and she's your sister! why aren't you doing anything!?" he asked. "newt I-" 

"because she has a plan to get out!" jorge yells. "I don't care If she as a plan a,b,c or all the way to z! we need to find her!" he yells back. 

"listen kid whatever you think your little girlfriend is incapable of your wrong, she's smart and she strong she can survive and if you give her time the world can survive! she can save all those kids! all of them in wicked she can free them but she needs time and she needs us to keep you alive." jorge argued with newt. 


"no he's right newt briar is more then capable of surviving them she did it when she was a child and she can do it again" vera explained 

"and we have people, on the inside who will help they will met us at the new base and with the kids." jorge added. 

"fine." newt huffed and crossed his arms. "thank god." thomas rolled his eyes and he crossed his arms.

"So how long is this timeline?" newt asked.

"two days then we send help." jorge responds and newt huffes.

"before you kill them newt wait for briar. she'll win. she always does." minho says patting newt on the back. 

.·:*¨༺ 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆༻¨*:·.

I felt my arms being handcuffed and a cloth in my mouth. "what the hell?!" I groaned and I felt a slap on my face. "ahhh!" I yelped and my grandmother stood above me. "ava." I sighed and gave her a death glare. "aw the little cure giving herself up to the big bad guys to save her little dumb running friends you know briar you really should get that fixed with them they run around like someone cut their damn tails off." she said with her eyes rolled and pressed her hands around my neck. "I won't kill you right away or not like this but I'll make you get close to it you little shit." ava snarled at me. 

I scoffed and had anger in my eyes "did you get that nickname from your new boyfriend janson." I asked with a smirk and rolled my eyes. 

"watch it shit." she said and slapped me where I caught her hand. 

"you don't own me." I snapped. 

"no but I broke you." she said with a smirk

"nothing broke me and if anything did it was never you. the maze didn't break me. your abuse didn't brake me the assault didn't break me! the deaths didn't break me! the scorch didn't! and I hate you but my hate didn't break me either, and you never will." I yelled. 

she frowned and walked out slamming the door. 

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