Chapter 36||crank cave

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.·:*¨༺𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖆 𝖆𝖓 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗 (𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛)༻¨*:·.

as I pulled the last of my fresh clothes on I got ready to go outside before jorge stopped me from leaving the room. 

.·:*¨༺𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖒 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗𝖆༻¨*:·.

I grabbed and gun and blindfolded myself and loaded the gun and estimated where the target was and started to shoot at where I thought it was anyways. 

after hitting for a little while I pulled the blind fold of and grabbed a water flask while I looked to see if I hit the target. 

"getting closer kid." vince said slow clapping while he walked towards me. "thanks vince." I sighed and chugged down the water. 

"why you here this early?" he asks sounding a little worried. "just wanted to practice and I couldn't sleep." I sighed getting out of breath. 

"try the knife one it's better suited for you." he said handing me and bucket of knifes and taking the water flask out my hands. 

I grabbed three knifess at a time and started throwing them around on the targets and hiting all around each one. 

"nice." he sighed and looked around at all the knifes stuck in the wall and back down at the now empty bucket. 

"keep going" he said pointing to the gym as he exited the room he called out me "and get some sleep. please." he said with a sigh and fully leaved the room. 

I wrapped gloves around my hands started punching the punching bag while practicing parkour. I fliped over a weak mat and lifted myself on the bar on the training ceiling.

as I balanced on the bars of the ceiling I quickly tripped and grabbed on to the bar before I could fall I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around the bar and jumped back on the bar. I steped back on the small bar and jumped on the next on in-front of me I tried to lep for the next one but I tripped and fell landing on the soft mat. 

"damnit." I muttered and dusted myself off and grabbed my bag and left the training area planing to take a run but I was quickly stopped. 

"what the hell?!" I asked trying to see who it was.

"not so fast kid." he huffs. it was jorge. "what now?!" I whined. "vera, newt, fry, casey and thomas went to go save minho without any extra help or telling us." constance explained standing with ryan and brenda behind me.  

"are you fucking kidding me?" I groaned. "yeah no sure why they brought casey though." ryan said shaking his head. "well it's because casey still has puppy dog eyes for my sister" I sighed 

"I thought that was thomas?" constance asked looking confused. "sadly both but atleast thomas keeps it to himself for minho." I said my tone with sass and disappointment. 

"well, we know where they are going come with?" ryan asked waving my waist bar with my weapons all hooked up and loaded. "I'm going to kill all of them when we get there." I said grabbing my waist bar from him and tightening  it around my waist. 

"alright I'll pick the car and meet your out of the lines of the base." ryan said grabbing his jacket and putting it on. 

"get a big truck with a trunk to shove them in." I sneered  and put gloves on and put my hair up. 

"noted." ryan chuckled. 

.·:*¨༺𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖗/𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖈𝖐༻¨*:·.

"got the map briar?" jorge asked with heavy breath. "yeah you only asked 50 times." I scoffed and pulled out the map. 

jorge rolled his eyes at my sarcasm and pointed to a point in the map. "their probably  still in that cave right there." he said pointing to another point in the map. 

"dumbasss" me and brenda and constance said in unison. 

suddenly a small voice and kid with blonde hair popped out from under my seat. "hey that's a bad word!" she said grumply when I realized it was val. 

"what the he....." ryan said his jaw stretching to the ground. val swinged her little angry head to him trying to catch him curse again. 

"ladies and gents this is my half sister val." I sighed and pulled her to sit in my lap. "I knew it I see the agnes it's hard to miss" jorge chuckled and I elbowed him. 

"alright briar babysitting time is over hide her back under the seat we are in the cave. I gave her a look and she listened and hide back under my seat as the truck slide into the cave. 

"alright get ready." jorge whispered carefully I cocked my gun and opened the sun roof and stood up on my seat with my gun pulled out, where ryan and brenda followed and cocked their guns outside of he sun roof. 

"it's quiet..." ryan huffed. "that's because they probably followed the boys further in the cave." I said looking around for cranks when I hear that same roar as a damn crank. 

"right on que." I mumbled and fired my gun in the air and shined my light on one crank but as our light grew bigger there was more and more surrounding a car. 

"there we go." I scoffed and started shooting down the cranks. I shoot forward while ryan took the side and brenda took behind me. 

as we cleared the way of the cranks I jumped out the car and shot them more up close and kicked a crank down and ran to the car where newt and vera were pinned against the cave I quietly ran over and kicked the cranks down and shoot them both and looked vera and newt dead in the eyes angrily. 

"really dumbass?" I sneered. "thomas was going to go alone we had to stop him." vera said and rolled her eyes as she grabbed that fell on the ground. 

"you idiots could have been killed." I scowled and lead them back in the car. 

"yes ma'am" fry snickered. 

as we all got inside the car fry took the front seat and casey took the back seat with ryan and constance. 

me,newt, vera and brenda sat in the row behind fry and jorge. 

"this will be awkward." brenda scoffed and rolled over to take a nap. 

val popped out of fry's seat witch used to be mine causing fry to jump out of him chair and scream 

"What the fu-"

val death glared him

"fudge and cookies." he stammered as everyone looked at the small 7 year old in front of all of us. 

after a while of silence I finally spoke up

"want to tell me what you were thinking?" I asked folding my arms looking them dead in the face. 

"us? what we were thinking why is there a  7 year old here?!" newt yelled angrily. "she snuck out just like you." I sneered and looked newt dead in his face. 

"look I'm sorry we didn't tell you." he huffed and turned away from me for most of the drive. 

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