chapter 25||reunite

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[A/N]: hey guys! I hope you've been enjoying these chapters! just saying from here on out there won't be any more "meanwhile with the ___" unless aurora is unconsouis of anything happenes without her! 

it had been around 3 days since we escaped with all of the kids and yet still nothing felt right anymore..what where we going to do? this felt to easy. why hasn't ava came after us yet? or why hasn't she came after the right arm or anyone? she would never give up on that damn cure. it felt so wrong. nothing seemed real. 

all of these kids around me asleep, thinking I'm their savior, but am I? or should have I just stayed with wicked? was I worth risking all of their lives? 

after a while of flying we made it to a small building well the only standing one, where someone named "marcus" was waiting for us, he knew  where the right arm was staying, and appertely he and marcus had made a deal with jorge that once he had a kid that the right arm would take he could take us to the right arm. we also where going to met the others there. 

the building looked a little bit intact, it had curtains over small windows, I guess to block the breeze, witch was not working because the wind was blowing the curtains. 

one thing was it definitely looked better then most of the fallen down buildings that I had seen before. 

while I was in my thoughts  I heard cami's voice "hey are you ok? you seem nervous" she said with a worried tone 

 "no I'm fine." I responded. "are you sure?" she asked and sat closer to me. "I'm fine." I said. 

"no your not look we are here we are going to come out tomorrow to she marcus and your friends."

"no its- its... its not that." I said. 

"then what is it?" she asked. 

nothing really, I mean I am excited to see my friends but......" I stuttered. "but what?" she asked again getting more worried. "but it feels to easy all of this does." I said and crossed my arms. 

"what do you mean?" she asked "I mean why haven't they come after us?" I said trying to think. "well maybe they gave up." she said. "no there is no way she would give up on that goddamn cure."

 I grabbed my wrist and started to scratch my skin open "Woah what are doing..." she said getting closer. "checking for trackers."  I said a reached my finger in my opened up scar and closed my eyes in pain. 

"no stop!" she yelled. "no I need to do this!" I yelled back. 

"what?" she asked. 

"trackers." I responded

"trackers from where?" she asked with slight panic in her voice

"wicked." I responded and moved my finger in my arm. 

it hurt like hell, luckily I had been there before.

 "I don't think you should do-" she paused, reaching her hands to me "that looks like it hurts." biting her lip and squinting her eyes at the sight of my finger digging in my bloody arm. she quickly grabbed my finger out of my scar. "Slow down! your hurting yourself there has to be a better way of doing this!" she yelled and grabbed a cloth and pushed it down on my bloody arm "I'm fine.." I muttered.  

"no your not get some rest." she said and gently pushed me on a blanket. "I'm fine I promise, I don't need to sleep" I said. "well then sleep anyways lord knows you need it." she said and crossed her arms. "hey!" I crossed my arms and rolled over in the bed. "look at least go to sleep so you don't keep the kids up." she said. and I rolled my eyes "fine. I'll sleep." I said and curled up in the blanket and pretend to sleep until I started to yawn and I started to drift to sleep. 

.·:*¨༺ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 ༻¨*:·.

after I finally woke up there was a bandage on my arm and I was laying in a small bed with a jacket that had a familiar smell on it. 

it smelled like the vanilla cake I had on the last birthday I had before the maze and like buttercream like the cream on my mom's special cookies she used to make before she died.  

it was newts jacket

"hello love" I heard a soft british accent say "newt!" I shouted and sat up and hugged him. "newt I'm sorry I-" tears streamed down my face as I buried my face in his shoulders. "shhhh its alright love."  his soft voice always comforted me he reached his hands in my hair and stroked the back of my head.  

"is she awake?" vera asked and ran up to me and newt. "yeah here she is." newt said and let me go and lead my head up against a backpack. "briar!" teresa and vera shouted in unison as they ran over to my bed and gave me a hug. 

"don't you ever do that again!" vera said sternly as her voice broke "You don't get to die on me again." she whispered her voice breaking more. "briar what were you thinking!" teresa shouted and hugged me tighter "It's my job to protect you do you understand?!" teresa shouted into the hug. 

I stayed silent until she finally let go of me "I'm sorry..." I muttered. she shook her head and sat on a chair near me. 

I slowly looked around me, to see kids around me sleeping and fry minho and the others where sitting around jorge who had a man tied to a chair, who was also asleep. 

"what the hell?" I asked and got up and started to walk over to him. "oh hey! your awake!" he said and patted my back. "yeah and what the hell is going on?" I asked and looked at the asleep man tied up on his chair. 

"well he wasn't answering our questions. and tried to kidnap thomas and brenda." jorge said and shurgged his shoulders. "so you knocked him out with a bunch of kids around?!" I asked. and crossed my arms. 

"I think I liked you better asleep." he groaned. "ohh well your not the first one." I said and gave him a look. "Fine alright I'm sorry," he said and whined like a toddler. 

"And what the hell do you mean he tried to kidnap thomas and brenda?" I asked. 

"he got them drunk and-" 

"he did WHAT?!" I shouted. "now I would pay money to see thomas drunk." I said with a small chuckle. 

"well where is thomas?" I asked. 

"asleep over there." jorge said and pointed to thomas snoring with my sister in his arms. "of course they are sleeping in the same bed." I said and rolled my eyes. 

I got up and walked over to them and sat in chair waiting for them to wake up.

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