Chapter 27||The right arm.

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I felt myself being waken up by a arm shaking me "briar! wake up!" ryan shouted. I rubbed my eyes and yawned "What why?" I groaned "we are almost there we just need to walk on foot." he explained. I nodded and then got out of car holding kids hand "stay behind me." I spoke softly to the girl who looked around five. "jorge?" I asked looking up for him he walked behind me and pressed his hand on my shoulder "stay behind with the kids briar" he whispered in my ear and I nodded in response as we started to walk forward. 

I was feeling nervous as newt walked behind me my breath quickened, I played with my hair and braided it. suddenly I see ryan turn to walked beside me as he started to rub my back "its ok." he whispered softly and his hands went down to my waist and he pulled me closer. 

I could feel newts eyes burning in the back of my neck. I could feel his jealousy from in behind me. I pushed ryan away and started walking backwards. 

"newt..." I murmured.

"what." he said back coldly.

"newt come on." I pleaded 

"what do you mean 'newt come on?'" he growled 

"I mean your acting strange." I responded

"no I'm not." he denied 

"yes you are." I started to press him.

"and how is that?" he ask turning to me slightly

"you glaring at me and ryan and you've been off." I said 

"I'm sorry I don't enjoy you and another guy being all over each other and your the one being off, in fact you've been off." he scowled 

"what?" my face went dim.

"oh gee! I don't know you've been pushing me away not telling me things and you walked into a suicide mission and you didn't even tell me!" he yelled.

"newt....I-" I stammered 

"no." he responded coldly

"newt stop." I pled before he could talk again gunshots started to surrounding us "does anyone know where did those bloody shots come from?!" newt shouted and I couldn't help but giggle at his british accent. 

newt held me by my waist and with his other arm he covered me as I gazed into his eyes and leaned closer to him, but we were quickly interrupted by brenda. 

"get down briar!" she yelled and pushed me on the ground. "what? what is it?!" I shouted. "thomas and jorge are about to set a boom off." she said gasping for air "are you fucking serious?!" I rolled my eyes and sat back. "Where are the kids we saved?!" I asked in a hurry "they are hiding behind the cars back there!" she said and I looked up and saw a gun pointed to thomas and jorge I quickly got up and started to walk up to them. 

"hey! whoever you are keep your hands up!" one of the girls holding a gun said as I walked to them with my hands up, as I got closer to them I recognized them "sonya? harriet?" I asked squinted my eyes. "aurora? your alive?" harriet said and ran to me and hugged me. 

"oh my god!" sonya exclaimed as she hugged me while aris and vera came up to us and joined the hug. "I missed you guys." I whispered softly as we continued to hug each other. 

"uhm hello....?" thomas stammered and gave me a weird look. "oh right, thomas these are the people from my first maze" I smiled sweetly. 

"how many kids do you have back there?" sonya asked.

"around 50 we got them out of wickeds hands." adam said. 

sonya and harriets eyes widened and they let go of us "alright well lets get them in some cabins." harriet said and turned to sonya. sonya nodded and lifted her head up to the mountains as if she was going to shout something. "hey guys! all clear!" sonya called out and I looked up to the mountain and saw small figures lower their guns and run around and climb down the mountain.  

"back it up joe!" harriet calls out and man calls back "back it up!" 

"were taking you and these kids to base." sonya says leading us under a mini cave "Wait so how did you guys get here?" Thomas asked. 

"oh boy."

"not again." 

"ugh not the questions."

"noo thomas please stop asking stuff"

"please don't not again." 

"hey!" thomas frowned "I was just asking!" he defended himself "you never are just asking."I said and I put my hand on my head while shaking it. 

"the right arm got us out." sonya cleared her throat 

"wait?" thomas raised his eyes brows

please dont please dont not more quest-

"the right arm?" 

"do you guys know who they are?" 

and you did it.

"hop in." harriet said with a long sigh and opened a car door. 

"but uhm where will the kids sit?" I asked "in the bigger truck behind us." she said pointing to a large van 

"now get in, I have so much to talk to you about!" she said excitedly. 

.·:*¨༺ 𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔞𝔯𝔪 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔢 ༻¨*:·. 

as I got out of the car newt came over and helped me out. "thanks newt." I muttered as I took his hand and we started walking. 

"they've been planning this for a year now." sonya paused "and this, this is all for us." sonya explained 

"you guys are lucky you found us when you did. we are moving out at first light." harriet sighed while explaining 

"hey? where's vince?" sonya asked a man helping all the kids get out the truck "somewhere over there I think." he responded pointing in the distance.

don't do it

don't you dare do it 

they will tell us at some point-

"who's vince?" thomas asked and I took a big long annoyed sigh. 

and you did it. you dumbass.

"he's the one who decides if you and all these kids get to stay." sonya teased. "I thought the right arm was an arm?" thomas questioned. 

you idiot. 

"yeah we were but this is all thats left of us, a lot of people died getting us this far." he explained "who are they?" he asked "they're immunes, caught them coming up the hill." harriet explained to vince. "did ya check em?" vince asked 

"I know them, vera, aurora and aris." she said and pointed to us 

"Well I don't check em'" vince said as men surround us my breath quickened as they got closer to us. I went over to newt "newt I'm scared." I gasped quietly under my breath he wrapped his arm around me "it will be over soon stay by me." he whispered and rubbed my shoulders. 

"hey boss?.." one of the men called out 


"brenda!" jorge yelled as brenda fell to the ground.

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