Chapter 10||do or die.

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 we turned around and started to run into the maze, I was still upset about gally even though he's an asshole and he's my ex he still cares and I was having a hard time accepting that I would never see him or anyone else who we left behind back there. 

even though me and minho were running the maze for years and me mostly, all of us following thomas and minho and they sure did like it acting all strong and powerful I was just not in a good mood and I just wanted this all to be over. 

suddenly, chuck tripped over a rock and fell down on a part of the maze.

 everyone stopped in their tracks.

"you alright chuck?" thomas asked worriedly, and I bent down to help him up "yeah I'm fine thanks briar." he said "hey chuck why don't you give me on of the heavy bags it'll be easier for you." I said. chuck sighs in relief and hands me the heavy bags. 

"thanks briar." he says as we get back up and start running again. "anything for you chuck." Isay with a smile as we run. as we ran through the maze I was next to teresa the whole time and part of me wanted to ask her again if she knew anything about me being her sister? or even if she remembered anything about me or her past life but I kept quiet.

I tried to think happy thoughts this whole time but all I could think about was how weird this was and how confusing it was all that we even knew was that we were escaping and we wouldn't know what was out there and I mean what if whoever put us here isn't pleased that we got out? then what do they just put us back? are they going to try? and if they do try will we fight back? will we be able to? what will be waiting for us outside of this maze......? I thought. some part of me wanted to go back and take the easy way out, but I couldn't be like gally and the others and just wait to die. this was a do or die situation. 

"keep it up guys we're almost there!" thomas yells out and I snap out of my thoughts. "hey briar you ok back there?" he asks with a concerned look on his face while we run. "yeah I'm fine tommy don't worry about me" I say and shake my head and try to stop thinking and focus. 

finally we got to section 7, and we leaned on the opening wall,  thomas looked outside of the entrance and took a deep breath "grievers?" chuck asked with fear in his voice, thomas nodded. "shit." chuck said and we sighed and leaned our backs against the wall, "chuck take this" minho said and handed chuck they key, chuck looked up at us in fear and disbelief "its ok just stick with me and rosey." teresa and and tied her hair up. thomas nodded at us in encouragement "the key will activate the doors the seticon will open and the hole should do the same, alright we stick to together and escape this hell hole or we die trying. LETS GO!" he had me up until or we die trying. like gee what a nice peep talk. I rolled my eyes while they all yelled a "manly" roar and charged at the grievers me and teresa stood behind for a second and just gave each other a look that said "what the fuck was that" I shrugged my shoulders and and ran up to help. 

and thank god I did only two minutes into this damn thing and thomas and newt were pinned down by a griever I pulled my arrow out and shot the griever and ran over to help them up "couldn't even last ten seconds" I said and rolled my eyes as I helped them up and grabbed a spear and knocked the griever of the side of the bridge. "nice one briar." minho panted and we continued pushing back the grievers "chuck go run to the door." I yell hand push the spear more on the griever, chuck nods at me and runs with the key "teresa!" I shout "yeah?" she shouts back "go with chuck he'll need help!" I yell she nods and throws me her spear witch I break in half and throw them in the griever's eyes, and as it's whining in pain I kick it off the bridge. "how'd you get good at this?" newt asked "well that damn glade helped and somehow I just know." I say and look down at the bridge "two are coming out I'll get em'" I say and pull out my arrow and aim it down and shot the griveres down. I look over to see the chuck is hanging on the ledge and teresa is trying to pull him up. I turn to newt thomas and minho "can you handle the other griveres for sec while I help them out." I say while they keep the spears pointed at the grievers. I run down and grab chucks other hand with both me and teresa pulling we lift him up. "thanks rory, thanks teresa." he says with a heavy breath, I nod and look down "oh shit a griever is coming we gotta go!" I yell and we stand up and start running up and the sections open up to the seal. 

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