Chapter 18||lost.

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we were able to find a nice place to sleep, god knows we needed it after playing cat and mouse with the cranks.

"this seems.....nice." I sigh and put down my backpack and pull out some water. "yeah really cozy." newt says with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm sorry- I-" thomas stutters sounding guilty. "thomas don't you apologize none of this is your fault and you did to save me and vera and teresa you saved our life. you don't need to apologize for that." and says and give him a small hug on the side.

"are you ever going to tell me how you two know each other?" newts asks with a small chuckle. "thats another story for another night babe." I say and sunngle in his arms.



"get a room please."

"would you ungrateful assholes shut up." I said and leaned back in to my backpack.

by the time everyone was asleep, me and newt were still laying close by the fire. "newt."

"yes love?" he asks in a soft quiet tone while stroking my hair. "I'm sorry I haven't told you." I said quietly "told me what?" he asks with a worried look.

"how I know vera and aris and what happened." I whisper. newt pulls my closer to him. "don't apologize. I understand but I really would like to know." he says back pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"well they gave me back my memories." I said in a hushed whisper. "oh my love what happend?" he asks turning over to me.

"well I was in their maze before I was in our maze. and I basically died there." I mutter still trying to convince myself that this was a dream and I'd wake up to a nice warm home where my grandmother didn't try to kill me.

"briar oh my god...." he says in response and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm so sorry my love. take your time and get some rest no one expects you to be a hero." he says and lays me back down on his chest helping me drift to sleep.


I was asleep having a nice dream, until I suddenly got woken up by screaming it was thomas.

"GO GET OUT OF HERE!" he yelled and I turned my head "the hell are you yelling at?" I asked in a groggy tone. "a crow trying to get it out." he responded. I crossed my arms and groaned

"well yelling like the bird won't help." I turned back to sleep in newts arms. "GO-" thomas tries to go back to yelling the goddamn bird. "thomas, shut the fuck up." I say and yawn. "well what nice morning it is with you to" newt says yawning and putting his arm around me.

"he was yelling at a goddamn bird." I say and get off the ground and pull newt up with me. "come on let's go, thanks to thomas we aren't going to get any sleep." I put my jacket back on and I wake vera up. "veer wake up." I whisper and help her up.

as everyone woke up and yawned,and got up to start walking.

"well thomas." I say as we walk up the mountain "yes?" he asks "whats your 'genius plan'" I ask and yawn. "well uhm...." he stutters "if you woke me up at the ass crack of dawn just to tell me you don't have a plan I swear to god." I groan and turn to him.

"what about the right arm?" aris asks as we stop in our track. "What's the right arm?" newt asks "people in the mountain janson said-"

"the rat man." me and vera corrected him "I knew it wasn't just me!" she says laughing. "I swear they should've put him in the maze to scar us." I say as thomas and aris just glare at us.

"are you two done?" aris asks "For now." I. say back and fold my arms "people in the mountain?" I ask "continue."

"well apparently they broke into wicked and saved a bunch of kids and they are some kid of army." thomas and aris explain.

"so we either try to find these people that may or may not exist or we die trying." I say and take a deep breath. "well yeah" thomas responds "great! just a normal day for us." I say sarcastically and turn to the front. "so take a big old guess where they are and if you get it wrong there is small chance we might die no pressure!" I say sarcastically and fold my arms. "probably somewhere up there." thomas says and points to mountains ahead of us.

"are we seriously going to walk into a bloody trap?!" newt asks and crosses his arms. "newt- I-" thomas mutters.

"what other choice do we have?" aris asks "well we could die comfortably or die out of hunger witch minho's complaining would be even worse then the death" I said and walk above a sand mountain.

"that sounds-" newt starts and sighs "Awful. yeah well any better ideas?" I ask. as I look over to him. newt sighs in response and we continue climbing up the sand mountain.

"you see that, that's where were going." thomas says pointing ahead to mountains that you see in movies, or that would take forever to get there.

"well then we better get going." newt says with a heavy sigh and we pick up our stuff and walked forward down the hill.

before we got very far winston fainted.


"what the hell?!"

"we need to get him the hell out of here!"

"Someone pick him up!" I yelled and I took a blanket out of my bag and laid it on the ground "here help me get him in here." I say as thomas and minho pull him on the blanket.

"briar don't worry about it we got him." minho said and pulled the blanket up by the top and thomas took the bottom.

me and newt walk side by side.

"newt?" I ask softly

"yes love?"

"do you really think we are going to make it?" newt takes a deep breath and gave me kiss on the cheek.

"of course love." he whispered in my ear and we continue walking.

[A/N]: hey! its maddie! I'm sorry this chapter is so bad and had not a whole lot of storyline but it will get better tomorrow! I promise so if you have any ideas on how to make it better please lemme know! love you always xoxo

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