Chapter 16|| Escape..Again.

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[A/N]: hey everyone this is maddie! back again and I'm sorry that this might be late, I just had writers block for this and when I tried to write the other ones I just didn't have any ideas so sorry about that. and this is going to be in thomas's pov and the 17 will be in briar's pov again. and if you have any ideas please let me know. 

after awhile of talking,yelling,aruging with everyone about what to do we chose that we would ask questions but try to keep it quiet everyone thought that it was just them taking care of her but something was off, like really off. I just wanted to break out and find these people and save briar and teresa but that would be stupid right? but it wasn't. I didn't understand why newt seemed so ok with this if I were him I would break out and find briar, but I never have really understood their love life and I was not interested in knowing. 

we all sat with the same boys that we had yesterday and we were all quiet just waiting for something to happen, for a reason to jump out and get the hell out of this place. 

"I wanna know what's through that door, I want to know what their doing to them" I say hushed under my breath. newt sighs and turns over to me "look, we've been over this, you don't know what you saw or if they are in real danger thomas." newt says in a serious tone with his british accent backing up his tone making it very hard to take him seriously. 

"I. want. to. get. past. that. door." I say looking up as janson starts calling out names. "thomas don't just sit still and don't draw any attention-" newt started but before he even could finish I slammed my hands on the table and stood up walking towards the door.

"oh bloody hell what's he doing." newt said in a displeased tone. frypan sighs "well what you told him not to do." fry started. 

"drawing attention to himself." minho said and cupped his face in his hands as I got closer to the door, once I got to the door I tried to walk through but a hand stopped me. "hey your name wasn't called. sit back down." 

I took a deep breath and held a heavy sigh "please. my friend is there I just want to see her." I say under my breath. the guard rolled his eyes and shook his head "no. sit your ass back down. now" he says pointing to the table that we were sitting at. 

I sighed and took a couple steps back and pretend to go back but when he turned back I tried to run through the door. he quickly jumped in action and both held me from the door as newt ,fry , minho, and winston got up to hold me back. "woah woah control your friend." he yells out to them as the hold me back. 

"thomas stop!"

"thomas get back here!" newt orders and yanks me away from the door, right before they put us in our bunks, I had slipped the guards key card. 

as the pushed us into the bunks newt turned to me angrily "thomas what the hell was that? you didn't think the would just let you through? did you?!" he says with a heavy breath. I shook my head and smiled, I think for a second newt thought I was insane. "no of course I didn't" I say as I pull out the key card that I had taken. newt sighed and nodded "alright well.....just don't go." he says and puts his forehead in his hands, I could tell that I was stressing him out more then I wanted to at least.  

he shook his head again "no. thomas you can't go" he says like he was my mother or something. "newt I have to." I said. "no!" he slightly shouts back. "for birar? newt if you truly think she and teresa aren't in danger and you 100% sure then I won't go but if there is even a small chance that they could be in pain we need to figure it out. I don't know about teresa but I know for a fact briar as saved each of you ass's at least once. so I think we owe her that." I say and cross my arms as newt seems to get lost in his thoughts. 

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