Chapter 20|| the world is against you.

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it had been almost 2 weeks since winston died and I was held back by people who I trusted. with my life.

it was the middle of the night like 4am and I was holding a knife I used on one of the cranks from earlier. I put it on my writs and started cutting myself with it, after I while I started to draw blood and I wrapped my wrist in a scarf to hide it from everyone. 

I was thinking about how we were still trying to find this 'right arm' that thomas would not shut up about and the only thing that we had to survive and if we don't make it there in time then we all die from hunger. Its so hot out here no wonder janson called it the 'scorch'. 

 for the past two weeks the only thing I have been thinking about was what happened trying to punish myself for not saving my best friend, newt was ignoring me witch didn't matter  because I was ignoring him to. the only person I was talking to teresa because she was the only person who saw where I was coming from I guess it was because she got her memory back to. I understood vera but she still held me back while I was trying to save my best friend and for that I was still not talking to her but she and newt and minho would not stop trying to have these side bar talks, most likely about me. 

"briar?" teresa asked laying her head on my shoulder. "yes?" I respond sitting against my back back and covered in a small jacket. 

"tomorrow we are going to keep walking." she says while the camp fire burns in front of me. 

I nod and turn over to try and get some sleep. 


the next morning I was packing up my bag again and putting a scarf on mostly everyone was asleep. 

"rory?" newt asked softly with a yawn and got up. "don't call me that." I muttered and continued packing my stuff up. I turned around to face his hurt face. I sighed and took a deep breath. "only my family can call me rory." I said and pulled my backpack on my back. 


"I said not to call me that." 



"please listen to me."

"NO! newt! alright I tried to save him! I could have! but you didn't even listen and you shot him!" I yelled loud enough to wake everyone up. 

"Aurora I- I- I'm sorry." he said and I just shrugged and walked away "aurora don't ignore me!" he yelled back as I continued to walk away from him. 

I shook minho,thomas and teresa awake still ignoring newts calls.  "come on let's go." I mutter under my breath and help teresa stand up. 

everyone started to wake up at the sound of me and newt arguing. "briar....It's still dark out" minho whined. 

"shut up!" I kicked minho in the knee and grabbed his backpack from behind his head and dropped it on his face. "get up we gotta go." I said and waited for everyone to get up. 


as we were walking in the pitch black night I was still thinking about everything that had happened and mostly about newt and about what had happened between us and why he did what he did or maybe why I was mad at him I was trying to protect winston but was it worth it? losing newt? or vera? or minho? or thomas? or fry? or aris? I'm still trying to process everything but I was only really running away from newt because he shouldn't have to deal with me I'm broken. it wasn't ideal but before I got my memory back everything was good. but now all I can think about was if I had stayed with wicked they would've had a cure to save the whole world. I could've saved so many people but I ran away and now I'm putting my friends in danger. 

"briar!" thomas shouted snapping me out of my thoughts. "huh? what?" I asked trying to calm my nerves. 

"lights!" he yells and points ahead to some shining lights in a building, and suddenly I heard a big thunder clap. 

"oh crap we gotta go!" I yelled and we started running towards the lights. 

"come on lets go!" thomas yelled and we ran faster through the storm. 

while we were running I heard minho scream I turned around to see that the dumbass had gotten struck by lighting. "shit!" I yelled and me and thomas ran over to him. 

"minho!" I shouted and shook him. "minho wake up!" I shouted again vera came over and helped me and thomas lift him up and we carried him to shelter. 

"come on minho wake up!" I muttered and I bent down to him. "newt shine the flash light. over here." I said and pointed at minho. 

newt, thomas and I shook minho awake. "come on wake up..." thomas whispers. 

a long moment of silence goes by before minho sits up "HUUHHH" he says in a girly voice. 

oh thank god.

"hey minho."

"oh good your awake."


"WHAT happened" minho said as if he was in mean girls. 

I started to chuckle a little bit. "you got struck by lighting." I said with a giggle "dumbass." vera responded. 

"hey! at least my hair looks nice." he said smoothing his hair back I rolled my eyes and stood up. "don't scare me like that!" vera said and elbowed minho and he shouted like my little sister. 

I giggled and helped him up. "did ya see gally while you were out?" newt asked with his british accent and a chuckle. minho nodded as we all started to get up. 

"Alright now where the fuck are we?!" I muttered shining my flashlight around. "everything looks f-" before thomas could finish I shined the light on a crank that went to attack me. 

I screamed and fell back into newts arms witch I quickly jumped out of. I cleared my throat "sorry," I whispered and stood next to teresa. 

as we catch our breaths we hear a voice.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." the voice says getting closer to us. I turn around to face the person. 

she stepped in front of us "wow you guys look like shit." she said with a chuckle and scoff. 

"well what do you expect? the scorch isn't a salon." I said with my arms crossed. 

she chuckled again and out her hand on my shoulder. "I like you your feisty." he she says and turns around. "Well come on slow asses." she says and turns back to us. "unless you wanna stay here with them?" we sighed and followed her. 

we walked into a weird place like it was a gang or something I whispered to thomas "thomas I don't know about this." I whispered "its ok just listen to what the man has to say."  I sigh and we stop in our tracks in front of a man with brown eyes and not a lot of hair he had brownish skin and he was fixing a radio. he slammed a tool on the table and turned to us with a sigh. 

"do you ever feel like the world is against you?"

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