chapter 13|| Good luck aurora.

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[A/N]: hey its maddie! and in this chapter there will be a rape scene and Cognitive immobility in this chapter. there will be another note when it happens so please be on the lookout! or don't read.

after the first decent dinner I've had since frypan started to "experiment" with our food back in the glade, they took us to a bunker that had bunks in it. it also had a little sink and bathroom and a vent under one bed. 

I looked around and there was lights, pictures, mirrors and a bag with a change of clothes, there was a girls bathroom and a boys bathroom. 

but the bad part was the exit and entrance was locked and only one of those keycards that the rat man had could get in. 

I was the only one worried about this, everyone else seemed really excited and happy to be free so I didn't want to ruin anything but I was keeping my eyes opened for anything. 

"I call top bunk!" fry shouts

"no I want it!" minho says back

"I call bottum!" winstone calls out.

"I call the one closest to the bathroom."

"yeah because you have the bladder of a shucking bird" minho says to winston and he frowns

minho jumps up on the bunk above fry and fry gives him a dirty look. "I'm not sleeping close to minho he snores!" frypan whines and I giggle while minho looks at fry offended. "I do not snore." minho says in a grumpy tone "yes you do." fry says back with a grin. and minho turns to us. "I don't snore right guys?!" minho turns to us with a pleading expression.

"yes you do."

"you definitely snore."

"its awful."

"its almost as bad as newt and briar making out."

"you also talk you sleep."

"he doesn't talk those aren't words!"

"yeah he screams."

"sometimes he kisses."

"you kick to."

"you its worse then thomas's questions."

"I don't know about that."

"nothing. can be worse then thomas's questions. nothing."


"sorry tommy!"

"you sound like gally!"

"you sound like angry alby!"

"please get it fixed."

"not even a miracle could fix that."

"he sounds like a bloody bear."

"it is disturbing."


"I thought it was the maze once!"

"I thought it was a griever once." I say and giggle as we all look blankly at him. minho's face drops and scrunches up like a toddler and he folds his arms. 

"I. do. not. snore." he snorts and pouts. fry opens his mouth to argue "fry don't- just sleep up here." I say and point to the bunk above winstons. 

fry climbs up and sleeps in the bunk as I roll my eyes. I climb in a bed with newt above thomas and cuddle up in newts arms. 

"that sure was interesting love."

"it was annoying."

"mhm. love?"

"yes newt?"

"are we going to talk about-" before he could finish I knew he was talking about beatrice. "what about it?" I asked with a sigh. "nothing you look cute when your jealous love." he says with a smirk and kisses my forehead.

"get some rest. good rest you need it love." he whispers and we start to drift to sleep. 

         .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

in the middle of the night I feel arms wrap around me witch I originally thought it was newt. but these hands were rough and cold unlike newts warm and soft nice hands. I was to tired to fight it, so I just let them take me out of the bed and outside of the bucker.

while I am being carried by these "I still live with my mom" hands I peeked my eyes open and the ratman was bringing me somewhere with two guards and the one that was carrying me. 

he uses a keycard to open up a door and in the room I see my sister in a bed with ivys hooked up to her and she was fast asleep. janson turned to me and I went back to pretending I was asleep. 

they laid me down grabbed a shot I jumped up and kicked them and started to try get free two guards grabbed my arms and slammed me down in the bed, janson looked down at me with a wicked smile as I squirmed to get lose. 

[A/N]: hey this is maddie! the content under this note maybe triggering to some users if you can not read anything with rape in it then please scroll down or stop reading this book there should be another note when the rape scene is over if you still want to read the book later, I am sorry that my books don't have clean material but it is a story and its to spread awareness and show how things like these can harm people. if you are struggling with any of this then call the rape hotline: 1-800-656-4673 or you can talk to me or a trusted adult although those are hard to find please get some help! and if you want to talk to me message me! I will always be here for everyone! 

"I heard you got raped in the maze....ashame if it happened again." he said and traced his hands on my thighs and I started to whimper "no don't!" my voice starts to break as I remember what happened with me and ben. 

"no no no!" I yelled and kicked and screamed cried. almost anything to help me get free from this evil man. he threw his hands on throat and slammed me into the bed and unbuckled his pants. he got on top of me and pushed himself inside of me and I screamed in pain and his other hand reached to cover my mouth. I whimpered and my screams and cries for help were muffled by his hand on my mouth. 

I was going through it again the same thing from the glade and this time no one was coming to help me. no one at all. 

I gave up and he pulled out as I was exhausted from screaming and crying. I felt a sharp large needle go through my arm and everything went black. 

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

I woke up in a dark room I was feeling light headed, tired and even scared there was still blood on me from janson. I had no idea where I was so I just started running, and calling for help. 

"NEWT! BABE! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I NEED HELP PLEASE!" I screamed begging and begging for someone to help me. "TERESA! TESS! SIS! PLEASE HELP ME YOU WERE RIGHT THERE! PLEASE WAKE UP AND SAVE ME!" I yelled and ran and ran until just gave up and fell to the ground crying. 

"please,please someone save me." I whisper under my hushed breath and hold my knees together. for a while I was feeling hopeless, but hopeless and sadness turned into anger and furry. I stood up and started to walk forward and I suddenly fell miles down with nothing but darkness.

I finally hit the ground and look up to see in bold letters.

"this is not real, you are unconscious right now, you are going to see it all good luck aurora."

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