Chapter 17|| I love you.

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[A/N]: hey everyone its madi! sorry about the late posting, if you saw on my tiktok story I am sick rn so this chapter will be late due to that, and I try to do 2 edits a day but sometimes I can't do that and my time is hard to manage so please be patient for me and the things I post! and this will be in briar's pov! 

for a while all I could feel was darkness and all I could see was black and all I could hear was high pitched noises and muffled talking.

suddenly I felt a needle go through my arm and I was finally able to open my eyes and the first thing I saw was newt, his smile, his dirty-blonde hair, his british soft voice and his soft hands holding me up in his lap. 

"newt." I whispered under my breath holding my hand out to him. "hello love." he whispered back softly and pressed me closer to him. "how are you feeling princess?" he asked brushing my hair out of my face. "I'm fine newt." I say back giving him a smile. 

"you don't seem like it, you were out for a while." newt says back rubbing my face "newt I promise." I say back with newt still holding a little bit of hesitation. 

"newt." I say bluntly as I lifted myself up against his chest. "yes?" he says stroking my hair witch he only did when he was worried or overprotective, witch I'm going to take a guess and say it was both. 

"I'm fine, you can relax now." I say and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he still looked worried but gave me a small peek on the lips "promise?" he says worriedly and I roll my eyes and chuckle "promise. panda promise." I say the last part with a little a smirk. "what on earth does panda promise mean?" newt asks with a confused tone. 

"something I used to say with my sister. its more then a promise and if you break it you have to dress up like a panda." I say still resting my head in his chest. "that sounds more like blackmail." he says with a giggle and squeezes me in his arms. "it. is. not. blackmail! its just a very strong threat and whats wrong with dressing like a panda?!" I asks defencely "nothing love and I'm sure you would look adorable dressed like a panda." he chuckles at the thought of me dressing like a panda. 

I rolled my eyes gazed at him for a while before he lifted my closer to his face and whispered in my ear. "you know some really crazy stuff happened while you were out." he chuckled and smiled softly. 

"really? like what?" I asked turning over to look him in the eyes again. "well minho kicked down a door and a guard with his knee." 


"and this kid named aris,well we wouldn't have escaped if it wasn't for him."


"yeah do you know him?" 

"yeah kinda...continue." 

"well they found you and teresa and another blonde girl who minho won't stop flirting with and well you guys we're unconscious and when thomas and aris found you, you were hooked up to tubs and held up above the ground and you had blood all over you legs, but don't worry we are safe in this weird lab and I found a change of clothes for you." he explains while I just gazed in his eyes while he talked. "is that all?" I ask leaning my head on his shoulder.

"well yeah. I told you I loved you." he mutters under his breath but I could still hear it.

 "and? do you? love me..." I ask looking at him curiously and he smiled. 

"I do. I guess all it took was you almost dying 4 times and being in danger all the time. to realize it." he said with a soft smile while he rubbed my cheeks

" you to." I say my cheeks turning red. his face goes to a soft smile to a relieved on and he lifts me in the air and starts to kiss me very fast he moved his arms up my shirt and started to try to unbutton it witch caused me to gasp and quickly back a way from him as I started to breath heavily. 

"briar....are you ok love?" he says with worry in his eyes as he slowly steps closer to me as if I was a fragile child. "newt I can't I-"  

"whats wrong love?"

"your right I do have somethings to tell you." I say leaning my head on him. his face gets more worried as he holds me close to him. "go on love." he whispers trying to comfort me. 

"well janson, the rat man, and some of his mini minion rats came in the bunks at the middle of the night and took me away. I pretend to be asleep to figure out what was happening and they tried to inject something in my arm but I fought them, and for a while it was working until janson came over and had them hold me down two were holding my arms down and they other two were holding my legs down janson got on top of me and he-" newts eyes were filled with rage and worry and tears started streaming down my eyes as he pulled me into a hug. "that sick bastard. I'm so sorry love, we don't ever have to do that ever." he says kissing my cheek as I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.  

a blonde girl walked over with a nice cotton shirt and some jean/sweat pants, but she looked familiar. "hey. I got briar some clothes if she's ready." the girl says when it hits me "vera." I mutter and run to her and hug her. "you remember...." she says her voice breaking as she drops the clothes in her hands to give me a hug. "oh god I thought you were dead! I thought I lost you." she whispers, and after a while pulls apart from the hug wiping her tears "why don't you get dressed." she says pointing to a small corner covered in a curtain. 

I walked over and started to lift my shirt up and change I could feel newts eyes looking and scanning for me. 

"would you give a girl some peace to get changed?" I asked and rolled my eyes as I picked up the change of clothes and slipped them on and walked outside. 

"sorry love." he says his cheeks red and his voice filled with embarrassment. "It's alright." I say with a small giggle and walk back to them. 

"so uh-" before I could finish I hear screaming and shouting coming closer and closer to us. "jesus christ what happened now?!" I asked with a frown as thomas and minho were running quickly. 

"NO TIME! WE GOTTA GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!" thomas shouted as newt grabbed my arm and we started running, I took a quick look behind me to see cranks and just knew thomas and minho did something stupid. "the hell did you two do now!?" I yelled as we ran to go get the others. 

"it was thomas!"

"it was minho!"

"good grief." I said rolling my eyes as the augured who's fault it was. I stopped running for sec. "can't leave you two alone for two minutes can we?" I said pulling a gun out of my pocket and shooting at the cranks. 

"briar for christs sakes run!" thomas yelled as I continued to shot them down, when more came newt grabbed my arm again and we started running. 

suddenly a crank jumped on newt and had him pinned to the ground "newt!" I yelled as newt was frozen in fear I quickly kicked the crank off him and took a knife out and cut his hand of newts arm. "thanks love." he gasps and we start running again as more come. 

"thank me later!" I yell as we continue to run. we ran up some steps and a crank got a little to close to teresa and I threw the knife I had at him and he fell to the floor almost instantly. "thanks sis." teresa whispers under her breath as we run up the stairs. 

"briar hand me that gun." winston says holding his hand out, I place the gun in his hands and stand behind him. 

me,teresa and vera just started picking up random things and throwing them at the cranks trying to knock them down. 

"this is kind of the carnival game whats it called "hit the clowns"? teresa says breathing heavily.  "yeah totally expect hit the deadly cranks." I say and pick up and bottle and break it in half throwing it at two guards at the same time. "nice aim." vera says and and picks up broken glass that slightly cut her hands. 

"well try running for your life constantly you get good at knocking bitches down." I say back. I turned and opened a door as winston held back the cranks with the gun. "guys come here!" I yell and hold the door open as we all ran towards the door winston taking his sweet time.

"winston so help me god- get you ass in here!" I shout and yank his arm closer to us but a crank pulls back and I start playing tug-a-war with a goddamn zombie, winston screams in pain as they start scaring him on his stomach. "help me out here!" I yell as newt,thomas and minho pull him back fully as teresa slammed the door on the cranks. 

"note to fucking everyone never leave you two alone for more then 30 seconds" I say out of breath referring to thomas and minho.

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