Chapter 43||back to wicked.

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I stood at the side of the wicked tower and waited for guards to come out for their post. "hello boys I think I need your help." I said putting a sweet and innocent act on. one of the soldiers walk to me. 

"how can we help sweetie?" one asks 

"nothing much just.." I grab one of their arm and throw them on the ground and I wrap my arms around one's neck and snapped the last one points his gun to me but I throw it out his hand and grab it as I knock him in the face with it. 

"you guys can come now." I say calling out to newt and vera. they come out and we grab the wicked uniform and put it over our first outfit.   

"now we can go." I say and pull out my walkie talkie. 

"frypan how you doing?" I ask in the walkie trying to avoid people looking at me. "yeah getting there." he responds "tell minho 'hi' for me." he adds. "hang in there we'll be there soon." I say and before I can turn mine off thomas takes it "brenda what's you status?" he asks sounding like  two year old. "status is working on it. now buss off." she says and I grab my walkie from him and  turn it off. 

we all get up and start walking to the big ass wicked building in front of us. teresa walks up to me, with a pitiful look on her face, "I'm worried about you briar." she says sounding a little worried. "you didn't seem to care six months ago." I scoffed. "you guys can't do this it won't work." teresa pleads

"shut up and open the door." I snarl and she puts her thumb on a scanner and we walk past her into the building. 

as we walk through the building all I can think about is finding minho and getting the hell out of here. we walk to the cell where the kids are being held I quickly take the tranquilizers out and hand it to newt and vera and thomas as we stand behind the locked door.

I listen in on the guards talking.

"that's funny system is glitching." one of them says 

"I'll go check it out." the other says and starts walking towards us I grab the tranquilizer and throw it at him and me,vera,thomas and newt start shooting all the soldiers. 

I quickly run to a cell and kick the door open. I look at the terrified kids in front of me. 

"hey its ok. we're here to help you." I said and lead them out the cell. I look through the cell for minho and find nothing.

"anything over there?" I call out to vera. "no!" she calls back. "newt look in the other cell!" thomas tells newt. newt nods and opens the cell and its empty. 

"he's not here." newt shouts from the empty cell  I sigh and thomas nods. 

thomas walks up to teresa with anger in his eyes "where. is. he." thomas sneers in teresa's face. "I don't know." she said. 

"Well find out." vera barks, and pushes teresa to a computer. 

I watch over teresa's shoulder as she pulls up subjects and puts minho's subject name in and backs from the computer. 

"someone moved him to the medical wing." 

"okay. take me there." 

"thomas thats half way around the building." 

"I'm coming with you guys." newt says and grabs his helmet. 

"no newt your not your going to stay with gally and wait for the serum." thomas orders and I raise my eye brow. "what do we need the serum for?" I ask and newt and thomas's face go pale.

"don't worry about it love remember minho comes first."newt says.

"your wasting time you guys go I'll get the serum and met you back." gally says and starts trying to pry the door open

me, vera,newt thomas leave and hold teresa.

we start walking to a elevator and we run in and as the elevator doors close janson runs towards it.

"wait! hold it!" he pleeds and runs into the elevator before it closes. he looks over at teresa smirkingly. 

"your working late." he said. and teresa nods "just want to do all I can." she says with a sigh. 

"you see thats what I like about you teresa you never stop no matter how bleak things get." he smiles and teresa nods. 

"times like these you need a friend to count on." he says.

I squinted my eyes at how awful it was to watch the rat man flirt with my sister. "I'll bear that in mind." teresa responds with a smile.

"so from one friend to another. thomas is here, we picked him up with our sky cameras." janson explains and I try to hold back laughter "are you going to kill him?" teresa asks with batted breath.

"would that be a problem?" janson asks. teresa ignores him and finally the sweet oh so sweet elevator doors open. "this is me." teresa says clearing her throat and leaves janson behind. 

"thomas listen to me getting the serum won't save newt it'll buy him some time but-" 

"don't listen to her thomas she's just trying to get in your head." I tell him and keep walking "no I'm trying to protect you!" she claims. 

"oh yeah like you protected minho?" thomas says and pushes her, starting to cause a scene. "thomas what are you doing?!" I ask angrily.

"how many people have to die? how many more do you need to string up torture and kill?" thomas asks in a harsh voice. 

"until we find a cure." teresa argues back.

"there is no goddamn cure!" thomas shouts and my eyes widen as I hear a gun click behind me. "don't waste your breath teresa, he made his choice long ago." janson says holding a gun to us. 

thomas grabs teresa holds a gun to her head. "back off! back off! tell them to back off!" he shouts 

"hey thomas I've known  you longer then you think... your not going to shot her." jason smirks. 

"you don't think so?" thomas threatens. "okay. then shoot her." he says and thomas pushes her off him and teresa slams the fire alarm as me,newt and vera groan. 

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" vera yells and pinches thomas. "pussy. next time I get the gun!" I yell as we start running.

"vera go! find minho!" I shout and she runs of to go find minho. "well what are we going to do?" thomas asks. 

"start rounding up the nurses." I say "We're going to need to get them out the way."

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