Chapter 45||secrets are out.

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as I chased teresa down the hallway a million dangerous thoughts running through my head. I hear newt,vera,thomas and minho calling for me to stop and to come back and to get minho back home. 


"briar it's not worth it.!"

"briar come back!"


 but I ignored them. I was going to kill her for what she did. how dare she leave me alone with these people I may have known them for years but I've known her since I was born! and she left me for a damn cure. "you bitch get back here!" I shouted angry tears flowing down my face as I continued to chase her.

I got a glimpse of her face while I chased her she didn't look scared she just looked guilty and sad. she stopped in a lab witch I followed her into. as I looked in her eyes she opened her mouth to say something to me. "briar....." she muttered. I got angry right away and  slammed her rapidly against the wall and started to punch and kick her but she wouldn't fight back. "fight back!" I screamed in anger and pain. as I keep slamming her against the wall.

the whole time she didn't react witch only made me more angry.  "why aren't you fighting me!" I scream as my voice breaks and along goes my body she wraps her arms around me as I melt in her arms crying while she starts to stoke the back of my hair. "shhhhhhhh. shh sis it's ok." she whispered as I cried into her arms. 

"I'm sorry." she said and kissed my forehead. "I failed to protect you." she whispered and her voice started to break into tears. I shook my head and looked her in the tearful eyes "no. you saved me from ava even though she would never hurt you." I cried in her arms more. 

"thats not true, she hurts you, she hurts me." she said firmly and continued to comfort me  "I missed you tess." I mumble as I rest my head in her lap.  "I missed you to rosie" she responded with a sincere look in her eyes.  "whats been happening?" she asked curiously and I chuckled. "Well for one I'm pregnant." I admitted with a sigh. 

"YOUR WHAT?"  she shouted as her jaw drops to the ground.

"is it newts?" she asks and I look at her like she is stupid "yes who else?" I said in a annoyed tone. "I've been gone for 7 months I don't know!" she said defending herself.  "whatever! yes it's newts!" I snarl and she nods her and head looks back at me "wait so..." she pauses."you two had?" she said but failed to get the last word out.  "yeah the night of well you know."

"Aurora." she speaks slowly "woah....that's not good." I sigh "what what do you mean?" she asked. "you never say 'aurora' unless something is wrong." I said with a frown, she shighed in response and looked at me nervously "you need to listen to me carefully." she explains and holds my hands. 

"newt has the flare that's why gally is getting the serum. he's had it for at least 8 months now." she confesses. "WHAT!" I shout and get up and started to walk around in panic. "why wouldn't he tell me?!" I ask myself. "I...I...I don't know maybe he wanted to protected you." she guesses with a shrug.

"well that's stupid!" I yell and press my head in my hands feeling annoyed. "hey I said there was a reason for it never said it was smart." she snorts. "I'm going to kill him." I mutter and swing the lab door open looking for them. 

"oh shit." teresa sighs and runs after me.

I find vera but she's alone, me and teresa run up to her and she raises her eyebrows when she see's teresa. 

 when I see her giving teresa and me that look I sigh and grab her shoulder. "I'll explain later. where are the boys?" I ask and fold my arms. 

"being stupid." she responds with a large sigh. "that's not new." I said with a frown. "why what happened?" she asks. 

"newt has the damn flare and didn't tell me. where are they I want to yell at him." I explain and vera snorts out a chuckle. "right this way to his royal dumbass." she says and leads me to a broken window. "fucking hell." I say as I got it right away. 

"come on lets go scare them." I said grabbing teresa and vera's arm. 

I put my mask on and me,vera, and teresa follow some soldiers down and stand in front of the boys. 

"freeze assholes!" I yell with my manly voice and I watch as the three boys exchange the 'we're screwed look before I shoot the two wicked soldiers behind me,vera and teresa. 

"What?" newt asked as me and vera pulled our masks off. 

"dumbass." I scoffed and ran over to newt and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. 

he freezes up before accepting the kiss and pulling me closer, I could hear the others whispering and giggling. 

when I pulled apart from him my smile turned into a frown and I slapped him in the face. 



"I did not see that one coming."

"what the fuck-" 

"how dare you not tell me that you were sick. that you had the flare?!" I yelled and newts face dropped into guilt. 

"briar I am so sorry. I just-" he stammers. "you just what? can't accept my help?! why? I could have fixed this!" I shouted and he started to get angry.

"no! no! no aurora no! you see those bumps and scars on your arm?! every time someone drains your blood you get one. so don't say it doesn't hurt or anything! I am not taking your blood. thats that." he shouts. 

"then I am saving you. with something when gally gets here I am going to watch you use that serum. got it." I said firmly and hugged and kissed him again. 

"I'm sorry...." he muttered into my ear as we continued to kiss and hug. "newt I also have been keeping something from you." I admit.

"well what is it love I won't get angry." he promises and squeezes my hands. 

"I'm pregnant." I confesse and I watch as shock forms on everyone's face. 

"woah." I hear gally's voice say from behind.

"your what?" newt asked in shock. "pregnant." I mumble and he pulls me in a tighter hug and strokes my hair. "it's okay love." he whispers and rubs my back. 

"I'm here and the serum...well it wasn't there that was where the keep weapons and uniforms." gally explains with guilt in his eyes and my face drops knowing what that means.

"it's ok....." I sigh and turn to everyone "guys I need you to do me a favor." I said and everyone nods and waits for me to tell them. "make sure there is no more kids in the building before it goes up in flames." I say and pull out my gun and weapons. "here you'll need these." I say and hand the weapons to them.

"Well then what will you do?" vera asks worriedly. 

"I'm going to go find newt some serum." I respond and lift newt on my shoulders and starts to walk him into a lab.

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