Chapter 46||The death of the cure.

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I held newts arm on my shoulder through the building, suddenly I hear a big boom and fire going everywhere. "no no no. come on just a little further." I pleaded with fate as I watched newt get weaker and weaker. 

I quickly found a still intact lab I laid newt down on the side of the floor as I looked around for the serum. 

"you alright there love?" newt asks with a groan in pain. I nodded and try to smile at him as I grab a blood drawing needle and push it in my arm taking the as many tubs of possible. I start to stumble from the blood loss and my vision goes blurry as I scramble to make the serum for newt. 

my breath gets heavier as I pour my blood in a empty shot and shove it in newts arm, pushing the cure in his arm. newt takes a sigh of relief. we watched outside as the whole city went up in flames. 

"shit." I gasp I quickly get up and start to pick newt up but he squeezes me and throws me on the ground. 

"newt!" I scream as I hear him growl above me. "newt no! it's me!" I yell as he wraps his hands around my neck. I scream in pain as he squeezes my neck, chocking me.

"newt.....please........." I plead and he seems to realize it's me and tears start to form in his eyes. he holds a gun to his head. "I have to die....It's not working...." he gasps and I shake my head "no no no no you need just a couple more you'll make it!" I try to convince him. 

"love....look around look at what I did to you. to the baby.." he says sounding full of guilt "no no me and the baby are fine" I say my voice starting to break. 

he cocks the gun and before he can pull the trigger I grab a glass behind me and smash him with it. knocking him out. "I'm so sorry newt." I whisper and kiss his forehead.

suddenly I feel my grandmother's hands wrapped around my neck firmly. smashing my head into the glass cabin breaking it into pieces. "your going to go to hell little girl!" she howls as she pulled a knife out her pocket and shoved it in my stomach I gasp in pain and start to feel the sharp point of the knife in my rib cage, making me scream in pain as I feel my blood pouring out of my body. I look up at her in horror. "something tells me I'm already there...granny." I say coughing weakly.

 "your nothing to me." she hissed and shoved the knife more in.  I look down my shirt now soaked in my blood. I can feel the knife beating with my heart.  "what did you do to me?" I asked weakly as she smirked. "adam poisoned it for me. just to kill. the shit you are." she laughs evilly. 

I feel the poison coursing through my veins. the small tears being forced out of me by the sharp pain of the knife and the heat pain from the poison. 

"don't you know aurora, you never escaped me. and never will." she said taunting me. I pressed my shaky hands my my bleed stomach feeling the blood get all of my hands as I started coughing up blood. I started to cryn out in pain witch only made her laugh more  don't worry you'll be dead soon." she chuckles. "and so will you little boyf-"  but  before she finish I see newts fist raise in anger as he punches her square in the face knocking her out.

"newt...." I whispered in pain as he ran over to me. "no no no what happened to you" he said picking me up from the counter and laying me on the floor he covers me in his jacket and pulls me on his lap and rocks me in his lap while I sniffle and cry weakly

"please don't die love." he begs as he holds me in his arms crying. "there has to be a way to save you to save our baby!" he says his eyes full of tears.

"I love you newt......" I say as I feel myself fading away.

"I love you to rory......" he says leaning in to kiss me. his voice cracks as he begs for me to stay. "please don't go....." his voice breaking in pain. "I can't-" I cough and hold him by his jacket.

"let me go newt......." I begged him to let me go but he shook his head as he held me. " are not going to die alone to you hear me?!" he says firmly but shaken up. 

"p-p-please take care of val." I asked handing him a friendship bracelet from val. he nods and speaks softly. "I promise." 

suddenly teresa,vera,thomas,minho find us and ran over towards me. 

"what the hell happened to her?!" teresa screams in horror as she rushed over to my side.

"ava....ava stabbed her with a toxic knife." newt tells them with tears breaking him apart, as teresa strokes my hair as I cough blood up.

"I failed every way." she said her voice cracking. "no no you didn't." I assured her. "but... your dying." she says in a soft sad voice. "you protected me through everything." I said confronting  her as she hugged me. 

vera walks over to me next crying. "no...this can't happen" she sniffles, wiping her tears. "your my best friend I can't lose you!" she says and I shake me head at her.  "what about the baby?" she asks in pain trying to find a way for me to live and I shake my head. "we won't make it. you guy's have to go." I say as I cough more and more blood up. thomas and minho bend over to me. 

they couldn't say anything all they did was hug me and hold me along with everyone else. 

minho looked at me with nothing but sadness in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." thomas said his voice also breaking  "don't be at least now I get to see my family." I say and take another big cough.

"no....." teresa says starting to cry more.

"but you guys are my family." I say with one finale breath. 

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