Chapter 31||revenge

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[A/N]: hey everyone! madelyn here! sorry I ve been figuring out after effects lol so please be patient! anyways this chapter might be confusing because of the leave off in chapter 30. so this is just continuing the chapter I just got tired of writing the last chapter because it was so long *Cries in lazyness* so its in aurora's pov yet again! sorry for the long wait loves. 

also sorry if its a little boring just bear with me.

.·:*¨༺  𝔡𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔴𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔢𝔡 ༻¨*:·

I grabbed a gun and shot janson off of thomas. "thanks bri." thomas sighed as I lifted him off the ground while janson ran off.

vince ran to his tank and started to load it up. "this thing is our only chance! cover me!" vince shouted as newt and harriet and sonya ran to help him. 

"may god have mercy on wicked because I sure won't." I said with a scoff. "let's burn this bitches to the ground." vera said and grabbed another gun. 

"me and minho will cover over there." she said pointing to the last bits of food we had saved. "I'll check if any of the cabins are up!" fry said and ran off to go look. 

"And briar what will you do?" vera asked as she turned to minhoI looked over at my aunt bleeding on the ground. "I'll cover aunt mary." I said and sighed at the sky, I looked back at my aunts dead body and quickly ran to it. 

"woah wait!" newt yelled and ran to me and held my arm. "you can't just run out into the middle of this!" newt shouted. "newt please I have to protect my aunt.she deserves to rest while she is dead." I pleaded as I looked in worry at my aunt 

as I stood by newt in front of my aunts body, protecting it from someone doing something to it. I had to honor my aunt. "hey...uhm love I know you want to burry your aunt but we should steep back, maybe just a little?" newt asks in a nervous tone. "no...newt we-" before I could finish  vince violently grabbed my arm and yanked me behind a tank "hey no! let go of me I have to protect my aunt!" I said as I struggled against his arms. he quickly pulled me back and made me look him in the eyes. "The last thing mary would have wanted was you getting your blood drawn and more importantly getting killed" vince said "now I need you to stay safe. please?" he asked with his tone going from firm to soft. I nodded. "but at least let me help!" I whined. "no!" he said firmly "but what about-" 

"no!" he yelled again. "just sit behind and wait for the storm to pass." he ordered "but I can help. at least let me find vera." I pleaded he scoffed and rolled his eyes "Fine but your coming right back." he said "thank you!" I said and grabbed a gun and cocked it. vince sighed and rolled his eyes. "I forgot your hayley's and joseph's daughter." he scoffed and stepped out of my way. I smirked and started to run pasted the state of the war that as going on.  "vera?!" I called out looking for her 

"I'm over here!" she called out from behind a rock. I quickly ran to her and lifted my gun above the rock and shot janson in the leg. 

as he yelled in pain. the grin on my face widened. "nice one." she smirked and continued to shot at guards. 

"I'm glad you came back." she said. "yeah anytime." I sighed. 

wicked finally started to back up in to their helicopters and they took teresa and adam with them. before the door closed I made eye contact with her and mouthed 'why' with tears in my eyes 

vera rubbed my back as wicked retreated, as they backed up they started grabbing kids and using tracilors, me and vera quickly got up and ran to go help minho. before I got there newt grabbed my waist and held me back from getting to minho.

"briar you can't save him! no one can!" he yelled as vince ran to grab vera and hold her back from helping minho. 

"NO! no! I have to save him!" vera yelled in tears as they held her back from minho  my face softened as I looked down at her I ran to go comfort her. 

"shhh shhhh I know, I know."  I said and rubbed her hair and held her as she cried and muttered things in my arms. 

"I'm so sorry ver." I whispered as she continued to cry.

.·:*¨༺ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤  ༻¨*:·.

the right arm was in ashes and if it wasn't burnt up into smoke it was turned over and shattered. 

"what do we do now?" Thomas asked picking up a broken piece of a car "well we pick up what's left of us." vince said and stood up from the ground. "stick to the plan, get you kids to the safe heaven, then we start over I guess." vince said and shook his head. 

"I'm not coming with you." thomas said bluntly and crossed his arms. "what?" vince asked in shock. 

"I made a promise to minho. that I wouldn't leave him behind.I have to go after him." thomas stated and stood on a rock and grabbed his stuff.

"hey, kid look around you. wicked just kicked our ass. just think about where your going." vince argued. 

"I'm not asking anyone to go with me." thomas said bluntly.

"thomas listen to me." newt said and stood up and walked closer to thomas.. "I've known minho for....well for as long as I remember but we- we can't do this." newt said/

"look thomas I used to run with minho and as much as I want to help him this just seems impossible."  I said in a comforting tone and walked towards him.

"more like suicide." vince scoffed

"maybe. " thomas sighed. "but I have to try." he. whispered "but I know what I am supposed to do now." he said 

"and whats that?" vince scoffed again and crossed his arms.

"it's not just about minho. its all of us its about briar what they did to her what they did to all of us. they'll never stop."

"they'll never stop. so I have to stop them." thomas sighed. "I'm going to kill ava paige." he said and stepped up. vince scoffed. 

"I have to admit I would like some revenge." harriet says with a smirk. "me too that maze is not comfy." vera says with a sarcastic laugh.

"well hey count me in to dying twice isn't very cozy either." I said rolling my eyes. "well that was some speech kid." vince chuckled and patted thomas on the back. 

"so what's your plan for this?" he whispered in thomas's ear. 

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