Chapter 26||shut your mouth.

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after a while of calming kids form nightmares and working night shifts to make sure wicked didn't find us. we finally got all the kids to sleep and locked the house up. 

I thought everything was fine until I heard adam call for me. I sighed and walked out while muttering "what now." 

"the helicopter isn't working." he said and slammed his hands on the landing. I groaned and looked around "so? what are we going to do about it?" I asked

"ryan and constance are working on it." he said. "alright so what do you want me to do about it?" I asked 

"nothing just get some rest briar." vera cut in and grabbed my arm and took me inside. 

"what was that?" I asked turning to her. "I- just don't trust him." she admitted. "what why?" I asked. "I don't know he just doesn't feel right he doesn't make sense." she said. "well he is my great uncle." I said and sighed. "yeah he's the brother of your crazy grandma, who murdered your entire family and tried to kill you to use you for a cure the same women who we are running from? the same women who abused you when you celebrated your birthday? the same women who thinks scafising a whole generation for a cure is normal?!" 

"thats...fair." I said and took a deep breath 

"look briar I'm not telling you to kick him to the curb but please try and be safe and make sure  not to trust im with everything, like none of the secrets that you have." she said with a worried tone. I nodded and sat back down in my chair and feel asleep

.·:*¨༺ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 ༻¨*:·.

when I woke up again before I could yawn stretch or even be halfway awake, I hear yelling, itv wasn't far away so I assumed that marcus finally woke up. I rolled my eyes and yawned and stretched my hands up and I looked over to newt and vera "where is everyone else?" I asked. newt shrugged "adam and teresa went somewhere and everyone else is trying to get the ship to work again." vera explained "get the kids out of here." I groaned and got up and still in a exhausted tone "what the hell is going on." I asked as vera,newt,minho and thomas lifted the kids up who were still asleep. I mouthed 'thank you to them 

"talk you dumb son of a bitch!" jorge shouted and I heard a punch and a man yell in pain. I went over to him "what the hell are you doing? and why so much blood? " I groaned. "briar calm down he's just getting information out of him." brenda said and folded her arms. I walked up to them. "your lucky vera and newt got the kids out before the heard this." I said and looked annoyed "oh they have been with wicked they have seen worse they will be fine." jorge said and swinged on marcus again I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to them "what won't he tell you?" I asked  and shook my head.  "where the right arm is." jorge said. "oh great." I said and I grabbed a gun that was laying on the floor.

 "w-what are you doing?" jorge asked. "getting some answers from our little friend" I responded and cocked the gun and pointed the gun at marcus. 

jorge smirked and turned to brenda "I am growing more found of her by the second" he said in sly tone. 

"well thanks jorge." I said with a smug tone "now why don't you tell me where the right arm is staying?" I commanded  him brushing my hands along the trigger. 

"I already told you I don't know." he murmured  "I thought you might say that." I grinned "but you see I can tell when someone is lying. and lets just say that you aren't really helping your case here." I laughed inwardly and shook my head, making him get more annoyed by the second 

"look kid I don't know how things are where you used to live but here we don't let little girls like you tell us what to do." he 

"Aw how cute well it will be with a bullet pulsing through your heart" I mocked him my grin growing wider as his went down. "or head oh! or maybe the ribs or the mouth someone needs to shut you up" I said and cocked the gun again. "So? where will it be heart? head? ribs? mouth? I mean the quickest death is head but why not the slow painful one in the heart or the mouth but then you wouldn't die so maybe the mouth and then the rib...well what do you think?" I asked and blew some dust of the gun. 

marcus started to shiver and shake "Fine they are in the mountains..." he muttered. "hm be a little more pacific" I said "no I don't need to be more pacific figure it out." he said. I kicked him in the face and blood went across the floor he grunted in pain. "now we are going to try that again where are they?" I said and lifted my foot up to my foot and leaned it against the chair. "no I gave you enough information." he said I snickered and I kicked the chair down and kicked him in his dick just a little finishing touch. "come again?" I asked and bented down to him on the floor.  

"they are on the right part of the mountain near the tipped of cars" he said and crossed his arms like as if he was a toddler. "but you'll never get there on your own not with wicked on your ass." he said in a cocky tone, as if he had stopped us. jorge patted his shoulders and bent down "don't worry briar he's got something." jorge said with a smirk and bent down more to marcus "where is bertha?" he said chuckling at last part. marcus's face dropped and he shook his head "no no not bertha-" he started to talk but I stepped closer and raised my eyebrow and he gulped and sighed "on the side of the house." he grumbled lowering his head in defeat.

.·:*¨༺ 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔞𝔯 ༻¨*:·.

I still hadn't really talked to newt or anyone form the maze I was still trying to figure out what was happening. I never had thought that me and newt would be at odds I didn't even know what was going to happen back in the maze I guess I always assumed me and him would be together and nothing would get in  the way of that I never thought about my memories or even guessed that they were that bad I guess in the maze I never really had a real plan. 

ryan and I were sitting next to each other with the kids in the back, he was driving  and newt and the others were in a different car. 

"briar?" ryan asked seeming worried. "yeah?" I responded my arms folded.

"I know how its like to lose your mom and remember it." he said and rubbed my back. "oh..... what happened." I asked curiously. he sighed and started to tell me everything "she and jorge were together but when brenda came along and jorge took her in they grew apart and it got to the point where she started to go out more just to avoid them. and one day while she was out she got the flare and someone shoot her right in front of me." he said his voice breaking. 

"oh ryan- I'm so sorry." I whispered and gave him a small hug as he continued driving. 

[A/N]: hey guys! maddie here! I' m so sorry that this chapter and maybe the last few might have been hard to understand I just wanted to add more to the story! and I guess it was easier and more fun to write then the movie! so yes it is back to the normal time line and storyline of maze runner. thank you so much for reading. 

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