chapter 11||we are safe I think...

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the whole ride I was in newts arms while he was asleep I kept the carving that chuck gave me in my hands just thinking of chuck and what he meant by I was his sister and going over the moment where the women on the screen told me that teresa was my sister, then she just shot herself in the head, not to mention that she also claimed to be my grandma I mean that bitch looked the part but aren't grandma's supposed to have bad backs and make cookies not putting kids to there goddamn death, I didn't matter to me now though because now all I was trying to do trying to make sense of what I lost and of what happened.

thomas was asleep the whole time, he had little bit of a crying moment about chuck and then basically cried himself to sleep and at some point he kept moving around and opening his mouth but nothing was coming out, he was having a nightmear.

when we got to where ever we were going, thomas was still asleep witch annoyed me and minho so me and minho started to shake him up.



while we yelled the guards would not stop rushing us to get him up, at this time I wanted to slap everyone.

"tommy wake the hell up!" I yelled and "lightly" smacked him on the face. "hey!!!" he whined in response and held his face that was red now.

"what was that for?!" he whined. I rolled my eyes and pulled him up "come on we gotta go big baby." I rolled my eyes more when his face scrunched up like I was his mother. I gave him another "light" smack and yanked him up out of his sleep and and grabbed his hand dragged him out of the helicopter

I kept my carving in my pocket, trying to keep it safe from any harm at all. right now I was only thinking about chuck newt and thomas.

thomas quickly ran back to the helicopter and grabbed his carving from chuck because the dumbass forgot it.

when he finally came back from taking his sweet time I grabbed his arm and newt grabbed mine and we started to run along with some soldiers threw what looked like deseret and the people who helped us were all yelling and shouting at something that they called "cranks" it was funny because thats what I called ben. who was in fact a crank to. the men who helped us dragged and rushed us inside a basement lab or like a building a office or a safe place, either way It looked like something I'd seen before maybe it was before I lost my memories or because it looked like the one outside the glade.

as we ran through the doors, there was panic everywhere. yelling, shouting, running around like a shank that lost their head.

we all were inside and the big glade look alike doors slammed shut in front of our eyes. as we looked around in confusion like we had came in the glade for the first time. most of the boys seemed happy and felt safe but I didn't it was some gut feeling that something was wrong, on how much it looked like the glade/maze. and how sudden this was.

all I knew was that I was keeping my guard up.

we we're all sitting down in some thrifting couch that was the most comfortable thing other then newts lap.

some man walked into the room he had no hair like thomas had more chest hairs then this man had on his head his forehead was wrinkly like the lady from the video he had some weird clipboard in his hands he had a smirk on his face like a rat and squirrel had a baby. and his nose was the weirdest thing I had ever seen it was like gally's missing lung was taped to his nose, but at the same time it looked like a rats nose.

psst teresa! I whispered in my sisters mind.

what. she said back.

the ratman!

what?! rosey!

what!!!! its scary!

ok that's fair.

thank you.

and your right he does look like a ratman.

ha! right!

shhhh be nice.




thank you.

the rat man looked up at us as we had horrified looks on our faces. "it's alright kids your safe now." he said and his voice sounding like a rat going through puberty I would've rather been killed by a shucking griever then dealing with this every day, at least the would put me out of misery.

I coughed and muttered under my breath "or are you just another reason for us to run." he turned to me with a sly grin "no in fact I'm the reason your still alive but you can call me janson." he said with a smirky tone.

"neh I like mr. the reason we're still alive better." I say and fold my arms with a grin while newt and minho chuckle in the background.

"janson" brushes me off and starts leading us out the door and threw a weird hallway...again! "as you know now thanks to your friend my name is janson and I run this place think of it as a home between home." he says proudly like we're supposed to kiss his ass.

"so does that mean your taking us home?" thomas asks. a finally useful question that kid has ever asked.

"a home of sorts" 'janson' responds "its a sanctuary to keep us from the horrors of the outside would, and you kids are the reason for humanity's continued survival, witch makes you a target if you've noticed." I roll my eyes again and cross my arms "oh yeah we haven't noticed at.all" I say with a sarcastic tone.

and again he brushes me off "but there is a safe place for you to go to in time you will make it. but before that lets do something about that smell." he says with a another smirk and uses a keycard to open up a door to locker rooms.

                               . . .╰──╮╭──╯ . . .

as I felt the water poor down on my face I ran my fingers threw my hair and brushed my hands along my body,my scars, the stab wound,the griever leg bite,the claw marks on my stomach, the wolf birthmark on my back. I started to scratch it and it started to burn and bleed in the shower. I quickly stopped and turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to cover my self up with, and I walked out of the shower and into the locker room where teresa was drying her hair.

"hey sis, you alright?" she asks and I nod "are you sure? you should be drying off." she says and shakes the last bit of water out of her hair I nodd "yeah I like my hair wet." I say and put some new clothes on and walk outside the locker room.

two doctors greeted me from the locker room

"aurora agnes?" one of them goes with a clipboard in her hand. I nod and they bring me to a chair a start giving me shots,taking like tubes full of blood.

when the rat man comes in and looks at me with a grin. "aurora." he calls out and I turn to him. "yes?" I ask trying to sound polite "come talk to me for a sec." he says and I get up out of the chair and follow him to this jail


I sit awkwardly across from him "so why do you wanna talk to me?" I ask and he smiles "we'll just to know some things about your experience in the maze, just some questions is that ok?" he asks with a fake warm smile. I nod.

"what was the weather like there?" he asks looking head down at his clipboard "it was really hot most of the time but every couple of months there would be a week of cold weather." I say and he nods in response

"was there any other girls there?" he asks and I shake my head

"did you have any friends?" he asks and I nod, "are they all here?" he asks and I shake my head "no most of them died on the way." I respond and look down in my pocket to the carving.

"last one what was the most horrible thing you've seen?" he asks and I snicker inside "your nose." I say with a serious expression but I'm laughing inside.

he sighs and nods and shakes my hand "thank your aurora now you can join the others."

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