chapter 3||Ben's attack

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 woke up in newt's arms wrapped around me, I looked over at him and smiled at him and stood up to start running the maze early and to meet ben and minho . I put my running gear on and went outside it was light but it was still dark the air was nice and fresh and the air was cool. today me and minho were going to check something different out and ben was going to go the regular way that we usually went. finally they got there

"your late." I said with a frown. "yeah yeah yeah whatever." ben rolled his eyes out of breath "how do you wake up so early!" minho whined. I rolled my eyes and shook my head and nodded at them to start running. 

when we got back ben was acting weird. he was angry and he kept giving me and thomas these weird looks mean looks he was acting more mean then usual. he kept mumbling things under his breath to, maybe he was just mad about having to run the maze alone so I didn't read much into it. and after we checked in with alby he took off and disappeared from existence I kept asking if someone had seen him but no one had. the run was so short I had so much energy and time so I went to another runner his name was alex. 

"hey alex" I said walking into the map room he gave me a small annoyed look "whats wrong?" I asked. "you know how I wasn't feeling well for the past couple of days." he said with is arms crossed I nodded "yeah what about it." I asked "well ben was giving me shit for it just now." he said with his arms crossed "yeah he has been acting weird ever since he ran alone in the maze today." I sighed and uncrossed my arms "well are you feeling better?" I asked. he nodded "yeah thanks for asking aurora." after he said that I left the room.

 I went to see chuck to talk about ben. "hey chuck!" I called out to him. "rory! your back early?!" he said excitedly and ran over to me and gave me hug "hey chuck have you seen ben?" I asked he shook his head "no I haven't but can we play tag? it will help you get your mind of ben!" he said with a pleading smile. 

"fineeeeeeee." I said and started to chase him. "get back her chuck!" I yelled as I chased him around the glade. "never!" he yelled back and ran even faster "you'll never catch me rory!" he chuckled and ran even faster zooming past everyone. I swear if he wasn't like 12 years old he would be a runner. when I finally got close. to tagging him he started to scream "no stop! I don't like this game anymore!" he said with his arms crossed and a grumpy face. I sighed and sat down on a bench "well I need to do something to keep me busy." I said . "well alby keeps telling us that the greenies need more help" chuck said and put his arm around me "but newt won't be happy that your not getting rest." he said with a small chuckle I sighed and smiled back at him "well I'll try anyways." I said and walked out 

 after I walked out of the forest leaving chuck behind. I walked over to newt and thomas who was asking questions while newt looked like his head was about to blow. "hey newtie." I said with a smile newt looked up at me like I saved his life "well your back early love how was your run?" he asked and gave me a hug and kissed me softly. "it was good blondie." I said. "alby said you guys needed help so is there anything you guys need?" I asked. newt gave me a look "shouldn't you be resting after you run I don't want you overworking your self." he said with a frown. I knew this was coming. "newt it was a very short run and I'm not tired yet." I said with a sigh. newt and I had a long awkward moment until newt let his head down and sighed "alright fine. but I don't think we need anything." he said and crossed his arms and turned his head back to his work. thomas looked at me awkwardly "uhm we do need more fertilizer" thomas said and picked up the bucket while newt shoot daggers at him with his eyes. "yeah I'll get it." I said and took the bucket from him. "fine but when you come back your resting. got it." he said sternly and went back to working. "fine" I said and walked over to the woods.

I started to dig up fertilizer from the ground when behind me I hear heavy breathing. "hello?" I whispered "is someone there?" the air was still and the heavy breath was just increasing by the second. "hello?" I said again and put the bucket down and turned to see ben. he loked angry he the color drained from his face. "oh ben what's wrong?" I asked and before I could say anything lunged at me and pinned me to the ground held me neck tightly and he kept slamming into the ground he almost growling at  me and yelling random things.

"its all your fault!"

"you little slut!" 

"I saw you and him!" 

"you watched it all!!!" 

"I'll kill you!"

"trashy whore!" he yelled and took another swing and held me down harder I somehow manged to get him off me or I atleast I thought I did until he grabbed by waist back and held me up against him body and grabbed my breast so hard I started whine and scream in pain "ben...ben stop." he didn't respond and started to rip my pants off making me whimper. I knew what he was about to do "no...ben......please don't do this to me...." I started to cry he started to get more angry "SHUT UP SLUT" he held and ripped my pants completely off and stuck him self inside of me roughly blood started to run out just from the feeling I was completely shocked and shaken up that I couldn't even fight it i just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. 

when I felt his hands release me and flipped me back over and held a knife to my throat "your in for it now you little slut." he growled and held it closer I finally got the strength to grab a nearby rock and hit him over the head with it. I grabbed my jacket that was tossed up to the side and I covered myself with it and ran back to the glade and started to scream and ben chased me while I ran out the forest.

"help help help me-" I scream but then my mouth was covered and I was slammed back on the ground by ben, I cried louder and suddenly something swings ben off me and its newt..he  bends down to check on me.

"aurora...." this was the first time ever he had used my real name and not rory." ...........oh my god what happened...." he said in awe as he hovered his body over me and looked all over my body "there's blood on her legs and her clothes are ripped he said looking down at me with worry all over his face while minho and gally held ben back. "newt please I don't want everyone to see me like this" I said with a whimper. newt nodded and took his shirt off and covered me with it a lifted me up and carried me back to my hut and laid me in bed. 

[A/N]: I am so sorry if this triggered anyone I know this might have been hard to watch if this happened to you and you want to talk about with some who has personally been through it and am doing much better now I am always here either talk me on snapchat or here on wattpad. this is not romanticizing rape and no newt and aurora are not going to have sex after this or for a long  time don't worry they will and I will put smut in it but again teenage sex is overused and its always played by adults so I try to run awearness in these fanfics!

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