Chapter 6||Everything seems happy in glade

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[A/N]: this is briars pov! if changes you'll get a note just like this!

me and teresa were laughing and throwing rocks down as jeff came out with the council members behind him I picked up another rock and threw it down to them teresa grabbed a rock and hit alex's arm "HEY BRIAR STOP THROWING THOSE ROCKS!" gally shouted I smirked and grabbed another one and threw it right at his head and he fell back "if you throw one more-" teresa threw another on at his nose "ooowwww!" he howled in pain making me chuckle and throw more rocks down at everyone. "alright thats it I'm coming up!" minho said and tried to climb the tower but me and teresa threw a rock at his hair and he quickly jumped of the tower 

"hey! never mess with my hair!" minho pouted and fixed his hair I couldn't help but snicker at him as he ran off. teresa high fived me "nice aim rosey" she said with a smile I turned to her quickly "wait what did you call me?" I asked "rosey It sounds cute for aurora." she smiled and gave me a hug. 

"I hate to disrupted you ladies braiding each other's hair but get the bloody hell down here!" newt yelled angrily at us I kinda giggled at him and we climbed down and I jumped in newts arms and gave him and hugg and a kiss "someone's in a good mood." he said with a smile a set me down on the ground. 

gally ran over to me with his eyebrows touching the sky "I'm gonna kill you briar!" he yelled and ran after me as quickly jumped out of newts arms and ran far away from gally screaming and giggling "not my fault someone shucked on your head making it easy to hit!" I yelled out at him behind me and his face scrunched more and he continued running after me, he almost chaught up to me but teresa put her foot infront of him and he tripped and she ran with me and giggled 

"see ya later eagle brows!" she yelled and took my arms and helped me run with him while all the other gladers cheered and teased gally. 

at one point gally just gave up and me and teresa went to the gardens and I stood next to newt and started working in the garden, he looked a little confused "uhh what are you doing here briar?" he asked and turned over to me "well I work here now don't I?" I said with a smile. 

"briar- I'm sorry I just want you to be sa-" 

"newt its ok I agree with you I should stay here and thomas you will be a great runner." I said with a smile and patted his back and handed him my running gear and he gave me his garden supplies. 

he quickly put them on and and ran to catch up with minho and they ran into the maze. "I'm really glad your taking care of yourself briar so do you need me to teach you how to do it?-" he asked with a smile I gave him a "seriously" look "newt I was a greenie before I was a runner I got this!" I said and folded my arms trying to pretend to be angry at him, he smiled "yes well things have changed since you were a greenie so I will help you." he said and got behind me and held my arms and started helping me scoop the dirt up I frowned and looked over at him "Are you doing this just to be behind me?" I asked with a annoyed look on my face, he gave me a sly grin and nodded "come on you still need help lots of help." he said and grabbed my arms again and started to show me things again.

after he was done he kissed my cheek "alby will be back soon with the other runner's" he said and smiled "So I gotta go but you guys will be off soon." he said and nodded at me and teresa. as soon as newt left teresa go closer to me "soooooo are you banging the lizard?" she asked with a smirk and I turned to her with a annoyed look on my face "we aren't banging!" I said sternly.

"kissing?" _"no."

"dating" _ "no."

"talking?" _ "no."

"married?" _ "WHAT no what gave you that idea!" I yelled. she giggled "just making sure you were still paying attention." she said with a smirk and went back to work "just finish up we are going to go to the bonfire for you." I said and threw her the bucket with water and dirt. she frowned and I walked out and and went into the woods and gathered wood for the bonfire, it felt so good to be a greenie again I did love to be a runner but I would always fit in with the greenies.   

I looked around and I picked up a big stick and I turned it around and saw blood all over it, it was my blood from ben, I looked down and just threw the stick and brought the sticks back to gally. when I handed it to him he looked into my eyes and looked at me with worry in his eyes "briar? are you ok your eyes are puffy..?" he said looking at my eyes I wiped my eyes "oh yeah its just allergies I'll go to jeff." I said and walked away. 

at the bonfire alby was back and he was sitting with newt and minho, thomas was with a clint and zart, I was sitting with teresa and fry. 

I clinqined my glass with gally's drink in it with teresa and fry "welcome to the glade tess." I said with a smile and we took a sip of our drinks "tess?" she asked "yeah of you get to call me rosey I get to call you tess." I said she shook he head and smiled brighter at me "deal." she said and we took another sip of our drinks. we continued talking for a little while longer until newt tapped me on the shoulder "briar I wanna show you something..." he said and took my hand "if you don't mind." newt said to teresa she shrugged and nodded "just don't make any babies." fry shouted at us as we walked away I frowned and stuck a middle finger up at them. 

"you can do it kids!" teresa shouted and laughed. I rolled my eyes as newt walked me through the forest and he whispered in my ear "close your eyes." he whispered softly "no! I need to see newt." I said he chuckled "I'll help you." he said and covered my eyes and held my hands and guided me somewhere and sat me down on what felt like a piece of cloth, and removed his hands from my eyes. 

"open your eyes love." he said and I looked around and there was fairy lights and fireflies and butterflies in jars hanged up all around a cloth bed on a small piece of wood and he laid me on the bed and cuddled up with me. 

"what is this newt?" I asked and giggled "its a escape." he whispered and kissed me I looked around in awe "I love it newt." I smiled and covered my self in blanket "but why did you pick such a cold night for this "escape." I frowned and shivered "I can fix that." he said and covered me with his jacket and cuddled me tighter I smiled and snuggled up in his jacket "but aren't you going to be cold to?" I asked worriedly he shook his head "I can fix that to." he said and wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "much better." he whispered. 

"I have something for you love." he whispered "really more?" I asked and shook my head in disbelief he chuckled and pulled a necklace out of his pocket and put it around my neck. I loked down at the necklace that had a M charm on it and emeralds on it. 

I looked back up at him

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I looked back up at him. "whats the M for?" I asked holding the necklace.he chuckled and held my hands holding the necklace in it "M is for mine." he whispered and brushed his lips on my neck. I look at him in surprise "does that mean?-" he nodded "I want you to be my girlfriend. I always have." he spoke softly. I smile and nodded and kissed him as he stood over me and we continued to kiss me.  

"my love....." he whispered 

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