Chapter 40||back from the dead.

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as I calmed newt down he gave me a big bear hug "I was so worried about you. are you alright love?" he asks and I nod as he keeps me in his arms. 

"is everyone ok? is val ok?" everyone nods as thomas constance holds val in her arms I nodd then I turn to the people that kidnapped us and frown. "what do you want with us, we aren't here to hurt anyone we just want to find our friend, thats all." I say trying to calm everyone down. 

"always the calm one bean." one of the men in a mask says. "excuse me? do I know you?" I asked and stepped closer to him. 

"I know most of you. some of you are new." 

"quit the riddles and tell me who the hell you are." I say unamused he chuckled in response. "always calming others down never stop using a tone." he chuckles more.

"I'm getting tired of these games who are you and why'd you call me bean." 

"briar calm down." cami advices "cami I am calm I just want him to stop wasting time and tell me who he is." I said and crossed my arms. 

the man pulls his mask of and reveals gally. 

"what the fuck."

"are you fucking serious?"'

"aren't you supposed to be dead?" I asked as newt and fry shrug at me. "you left the there to die but no I'm not." gally huffed. 

"I think I liked it better when you had your hair in braids bri. I'm not sure I like this ponytail." gally said with a smirk.

"and I liked you better with a spear in you lung." I said bluntly and gave him a bitter smile. "you and me both." thomas said as if smoke was coming out of his head.

"listen greenie I know your mad...but." before gally could finish thomas lunged at him and pinned him to the ground.

"ding ding!" brenda yells as thomas and gally tussle 

I bursted out laughing as newt tried to calm down the fight. soon vera and brenda joined me and we started making fun of thomas and gally fighting.

"ohhh noooo baby stop for me." vera said in fake hopeless voice and flew her hands on her head dramatically. I laughed at her joke as newt gave me frown. 

"a little help please." he huffs I frown and roll my eyes. "fineeee" I go over and put my leg between thomas and gally and kick thomas back so newt can catch him. 

I bend down to help gally again. "need saving from a girly girl?" I say and offer my hand to him "whatever." he scoffs and lifts him self of the ground. 

"sorry gally." thomas huffs. and gally nods. "its fine greenie probably deserved that." he said and rubbed his chin. 

"Sure did." I scoffed. 

"now what do you want." I asked and crossed my arm. 

"I just want to know why your here." cami said.

"we are here for minho. he was taken by wicked we came back to get him." thomas explained. "good luck. even if you could get passed these walls you can't get passed wicked." cami said. 

"why not?" thomas asked as if it was already going to be easy. "they've doubled everything. guards,soldiers, bombs and guns." cami explained. 

"I'm assuming thats your fault." gally says looking at me.  

"rude." I scoffed. 

"its not the point I can help you guys get in the walls."

"you can but why would you?" I asked. 

"minho and I were close I wanna help." gally said.

"fine. lead the way" I shrug and he leads us downstairs. 

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"listen he doesn't get a lot visors, let me do the talking." gally says before opening a door and leading us in room with a man's back facing us.

"gally! your back! and you brought guests oh and this pretty one." he says and starts walking to me. 

"jasper told me what happened. who are they survivors?" he asks getting closer. 

"get back from me." I hissed. "oh fiesty this one!" he says and jumps back. gally sighs and nods "boy was that a hard lesson to learn." he chuckles points to thomas to talk.

"gally said you could get us through the walls we need to get into wicked." thomas explained and the man walked over to him "gally knows not to promise things he can't offer." the man said and crossed his arms.

"we can with them." gally says pointing to me and thomas. "really? and why is that?" the man asks curiously.  

"thats aurora. agnes ava pagie's granddaughter." I roll my eyes and nod. "my. blood heels the flare if you help us I'll give a donation of blood enough to cure all of your people after we take down wicked." I say and cross my arms.

"so what do you say can I take them?" gally asks. 

"you can take the girl and the blonde boy and girl the black hair one two everyone else stays." he says and nods his head to gally. 

"well lets go." he says and me newt and vera and thomas walk with him.

he leads us to a sewer and opens it. 

"Well let's go." he says and I jump in and vera goes in next then thomas then newt.

as we climb down the sewer and step through mud I pull my hair up again and tighten it. "We don't have time to fix our hair bri." gally huffs. 

"shut up." I groan and scratch my skin open and pour blood onto a leaf. "what the hell are you doing?!" gally asks as I bleed my small scratch out on the leaf. "its a family thing." I scoff and grab a needle from my bag and push down three dots on the leaf that is covered in blood I splash blood on them and they jump back from me. 

"they use children's blood as perfume your going to want to fit in." I said as I doted blood on my arm

"come on lets go." gally says and pushes open a vent and jumps down. I climb down and he offers his hand. "need help getting down?" he asks bitterly. 

I roll my eyes and jump and land on him. "needed a nice landing"  I said as I step of him "bitch." he huffs and thomas helps him up.

"my grandmother drains children for blood do you think bitch is the worst thing I've been called." I say with a smirk as newt and vera jump down.

"ah great trains." vera scoffs. "tommy loves trains don't you mate." newt says taunting thomas. 

"great cause your gonna see another one real soon." gally says and starts running along the train track. I throw my head back and reluctantly follow him. 

"and why couldn't we have stayed on the sidewalk." I mutter under my breath. 

as we keep running I hear a train horn blow. "damn it go faster." I yell and we run of the train track and lean against the side all of us expect newt. 

newt fell down back on the track as the train blows and gets closer to him I scream for him. "NEWT!" I yelled and ran to him but gally grabbed my wrist and held me back from it as the train pasted over newt. 

when the train pasted I ran to him and helped him and gave him a hug. "damn you!" I yell as I hold on to him.

he slowly gets up and hugs me again. "I'm sorry I scared you love." he whispered and stroked my hair witch started to calm me down. 

"alright lets go." gally says and we leave.

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