Chapter 14|| Darkness

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[A/N]: this will be written in third person/narrator pov! so that's just so its easier to show aurora's flash backs, and this has a rape scene in it. so tw! don't read if this is triggering!

"this is not real, you are unconscious right now, you are going to see it all good luck aurora."  is what aurora read above a dark celling, where the only thing she could see was a blue screen

 but suddenly it started glitching and showed a women screaming with doctors and a man with ginger hair holding the woman's hand, and then, finally two babies came out one a girl with beautiful blue eyes and soft little hands and the other a boy with bright hazel eyes. 

"aurora." the mother said looking down at the girl, then she turned to the boy and whispered softly "landon." and there it was the agnes twins birth. 

the screen changes  this time it is with those same two kids but this time they were five,landon and aurora dancing around a christmas tree and there eight year old sister joins in, and picks up aurora "merry christmas rosey" she said with a giggle and lifted her sister in the air. aurora giggled and kicked her feet being the sweet 5 year old she was "merry christmas titi!" she says with another giggle. "when are you going to learn that my name is teresa!" the big she groans and puts aurora down. 

the screen changes to sight of panic and stress, aurora's family arguing mother vs grandmother her sister comes to pick her and her brother up and shield them from the horrors outside. 

weeks later the house was boarded up keeping from cranks te get in and all of the children sleeping in a underground bunker, but they could not sleep not because of the cold but because of the yelling from above that they here from there parents and grandparents, although it was cold down there nothing would be worse then the yelling from up top. 

it was like a ice box down there but that much was better then the scorch outside. 

all this horror and still the agnes siblings  stay underneath the bunker and hold on to each other praying, praying for this nightmare to be over. but aurora agnes got tired of waiting and snuck up stairs to see a man with hardly any hair raising a gun at her father. 

"daddy?" the 6 year old soft spoken girl said as everyone turn to look at her and time went in slow motion as the bald man squeezes the trigger and her father gets shot to the ground. 

aurora starts crying and sobbing being pulled away from her fathers body as her mother rushes him to the hospital being held back by the man who shot her father wasn't ideal for her, his hands covered in her fathers blood now wrapping around her waist, getting the blood all over her light pink shirt with a unicorn on it. her older sister runs in to the scene hearing aurora's sobs and hearing a gunshot she grabs her little sister from the gunman and held her and comforted her. 

the screen shows a fast forward to weeks later and the family is around her father crying and holding his hand. 

a couple months later after doing anything they could to save there father, the grandmother arrives with the bad news that he was gone.

a father.

a husband.

a man.

a lover.

a friend.

a worker.

a hero.

a uncle.

a brother.

a son.

a human.

watch as the color from the family's eyes drain and faces drop, children crying, mother trying to hold it together for everyone else, a sister crying and being comforted by her wife. and the cousin comforting aurora. 

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