Chapter 7|| Their here.

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when I woke up me and newt were tangled in each other's arms he was holding me and I was wrapped in his jacket. I turned over to him smiling at me "good morning love." he whispered and gave me a kiss on the cheek "how did you sleep?" he asked and sat up and laid my head in his lap "I slept better then usual." I said my voice still soft from the morning air, "that's good, but we should get to work since alby is back the new jobs is in place and thomas and minho are going to take a look at the dead grivere" he said and he stood up and helped me up. "well what am I supposed to do?" I asked newt chuckled a little and pulled me in his arms as we walked through the woods "well love keep gally under control it seems he's still mad about what happened to you like all of us but his taking it out on poor thomas,or you chould help teresa learn how to garden, or talk to alby about what he found in the maze because you used to be a runner he could use your help." I blinked at how much work I had to do "I'll handle gally and teresa you and minho can handle alby." I said and we walked out of the woods holding hands. 

I suddenly hear whistling and cheering,

"smootching shanks your back!"

"how was the night alone!"

"briar do your legs still work?"


"what's a good ship name?"


"what the hell is that?!"

"nooooo briewt!"

"that sounds like a tip of fish!" 

"or lizard!" 

"not funny."

"what about brinewt" 

"still weird."


"all you did was switch the words" 

"hey! rude!"

at all the chaos me and newt stood in the front of the glade with our mouths hanged open alby stormed outside his hut "what is the meaning of all this yelling!!!!!!!!" he shouted he was clearly in a bad mood. everyone's eyes turned from me and newt to one crank alby, "alby mate are you alright?" newt asked and we started to walk slowly to him, he grunted and turned to look at us with furry in his eyes I wanted to walk away,I wanted to run, but I couldn't because I was supposed to be his second in command and someone he could rely on but something was different and I felt scared not of alby but what happened to him why was he acting like a dickward all the sudden he mumbled something and walked away. I looked around to see shocked looks from everyone around us, I went to go calm the gladers down and newt went to go deal with alby. 

a couple hours after the accident everyone was calm and happy and well safe, even alby. I was teaching teresa how to garden and gally was building her hut right next to us so I could keep him away from creating problems for thomas and minho. he wasn't very happy about it but I had to put my foot down. teresa came back from getting fertilizer, she put the bucket down and went back to working with me, "what's his deal?" she asked in a judgmental tone "he's almost always like this don't take it personally. he's not to happy he didn't get what he wanted to." I said with a annoyed tone and  shaking my head, all I wanted to do was punch him in the face but sadly he would make it a bigger deal. "so what happened between you and newt?" she asked with a smirk. "nothing happened. we just cuddled and he might have-" I stopped myself she didn't need to know that. or did I want her to, "he might have what?" she asked and got closer to me 
"oh come on you can tell me!" she said excitedly I shook my head and looked down so I could continue to work. "if you don't tell me I'm going to pull a thomas!" she threatened I gasped dramatically  "how dare you! thomas is a pain in the ass!" I had my hand on my chest as we both giggled. "fine all he did was ask me to be his girlfriend." I said calmly, her mouth dropped and a vein was popping out of her forehead. "all he did?!" she shouted. 

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