Before we Begin...

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Hi guys! Welcome to my story! This is my first time writing so please bear with me! This story takes place during the halfblood prince, where Niamh (Neev) Donnelly, a 16 year old half blood witch is starting year 6 at Hogwarts. She transferred to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny at year 3. Niamh's parents are both irish immigrants who always want what's best for their only child, which is why they moved back to Europe. Niamh is a Gryffindor and a fantastic chaser.

This story contains mature content and strong language. There does contain smut, but it's most present in the beginning and end of the story. This is also NOT a slowburn story, it jumps into it pretty quick :)

Disclaimer *I do not own the Harry Potter Universe or any of Jk Rowlings creations and characters* while this story does take place in the Halfblood Prince era, the story is not identical to the books and movies. I am not putting a ton of research and following everything perfectly :) There are random characters that I created.


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