Post War Pt 3

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The boundaries between reality and illusion blurred into an indistinguishable haze. Suddenly, I found myself thrust into the malevolent heart of Malfoy Manor, the place of torment and despair.

The air hung heavy with dread as Voldemort, Lucius, and Bellatrix materialized before me. The ominous presence of Death Eaters lurked in the shadows, the masks concealing their faces. Voldemort's voice echoed through the corridors, a guttural scream that reverberated through my very being.

"You dare defy me!" Voldemort's rage-filled words sliced through the air, sending a shiver down my spine. The Dark Lord's crimson eyes bore into my soul, and a searing pain radiated from my scars.

Bellatrix danced around me with unnerving grace. Her manic laughter filled the air as she wielded her wand, unleashing spells that cut through the air like venomous serpents. Each incantation lashed against me, cuts appearing all over my body.

The pain was excruciating, a symphony of anguish that played out in every fiber of my being. My screams resonated through the oppressive atmosphere, blending with Bellatrix's laugh and Voldemort's furious commands.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix's incantation pierced the air, and a surge of searing pain enveloped me. I writhed in agony, the intensity of the Unforgivable Curse threatening to consume my very soul.

Voldemort's voice boomed with malevolent delight. "You thought you could escape, but you are mine, Niamh! Mine to torment and break!"

The room spun with nightmarish visions, and the terror in my heart intensified. The Death Eaters watched impassively, their masked faces devoid of any mercy. I was trapped in a waking nightmare, unable to distinguish between the torment of my dreams and the reality of my fears. I felt a surge of despair and helplessness, a captive audience in the theater of darkness. My body convulsed with each wave of pain, the Cruciatus Curse leaving me paralyzed in its unrelenting grip. Bellatrix reveled in my suffering, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

"Pathetic Halfblood! You thought you could escape the wrath of the Dark Lord?" Bellatrix's voice taunted, her words cutting through the air like a serrated blade.

Voldemort's presence loomed over me, his distorted features contorted in a grotesque semblance of joy. "You cannot escape your destiny, Niamh. You are fated to serve me."

The atmosphere crackled with malevolent energy as the Death Eaters encircled us, their cold stares penetrating my soul. Every ounce of resistance crumbled beneath the weight of the relentless assault, and the pain became an all-consuming force.


In the abrupt shift from the nightmare to the waking world, I found myself jolting upright, trapped between the lingering echoes of torment and the comforting reality of Severus's embrace. My screams reverberated in the room, a haunting residue of the horrors I had just experienced.

Severus, already awake and alert, encircled me with arms that offered both solace and security. He spoke in hushed tones, his voice a soothing balm, "Niamh, it's alright. You're safe. You're here with me."

However, the shadows of the nightmare lingered, and I felt a rising claustrophobia, an overwhelming sense of being ensnared by the remnants of the dream. Despite Severus's reassuring words, I couldn't silence the screams that clawed their way out of my throat.

Severus tightened his hold, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on my back. "Breathe, Niamh. Focus on your breath. You're not there; you're here with me."

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