Year 6 Pt 30

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*TW- mature audience! Read at your own risk!*

In the dimly lit room, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. The windows hinted at the darkness outside, leaving me disoriented about the passage of time.

As I attempted to shift, a creaking door interrupted the silence. My eyes strained to focus on the approaching figure.

"Draco?!" I exclaimed, hope flickering.

"Quiet, Niamh," he hushed, standing before me and bending down.

Desperation filled my voice. "Draco, please help me," I pleaded, tugging at the unforgiving chains.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his regret palpable. "I'm so sorry, Niamh."

Tears streamed down my face. "Please," I implored.

Shaking his head, he too shed a few tears before standing up and walking away. Alone and chained, I continued to cry, the weight of hopelessness settling in.


I awoke with puffy eyes, evidence of the tears that had soaked my slumber. A woman, with a gentle face adorned with clavicut of half black and half gold, approached.

"Here, dear, you need to eat," she offered.

"Only if I can feed myself," I retorted, bitterness coating my words.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I'm allowed to let you," she sighed.

My frown deepened as I turned my head away. She waited patiently, but my defiance remained. Eventually, she gave up and retreated.

A few minutes later, Draco approached me. "Is this your house?" I spat.

He nodded, and my anger intensified. How could his family subject me to this? I couldn't even bear to look at him. "I'm not going to eat," I declared defiantly.

"Please, Niamh, you don't know what you're getting yourself into," Draco implored.

I sighed, my gaze shifting to the bowl of oatmeal he held. Hunger gnawed at me, but stubbornness prevailed. "I told, who I'm guessing is your mom, that I'm only eating if I can feed myself. Take it or leave it."

He nodded and drew his wand. A swift flick, and my right arm was released. It fell immediately, a sharp pain coursing through it.

"There. I'll hold the bowl," he offered.

"Thanks," I muttered, taking the spoon with hesitation. My arm felt numb, and it took a moment to grip the utensil. Eventually, I managed and took a bite of the oatmeal. Starvation must have taken its toll; I practically gasped for air between each spoonful.

"Thank you," Draco said, setting the bowl down. He reached for my arm.

Before he could, I grabbed his shirt, desperation in my eyes. "Draco, please. I'm begging you. Let me go," I pleaded, locking eyes with him.

"Niamh, stop, before someone sees," he warned.

He ripped my arm from his grasp and chained it back. Before I could say anything, he got up and walked away.


I continued to watch the window, the cotton candy sky captivating my thoughts as the day unfolded. The sun began to set, casting hues of pink and orange across the horizon.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, drawing my attention. The door, positioned straight ahead in a narrow hallway, swung open as if by magic. As the person entered, I didn't need more than a fleeting glimpse to recognize Severus.

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