Year 6 Pt 19

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As I soared higher on my broom, the wind rushed through my hair, and the sun cast a warm glow over the castle and the vast grounds below. The clouds formed a soft, fluffy carpet beneath me, and the world seemed to slow down for a moment. The sensation of freedom and weightlessness overwhelmed me, making the struggles of the past weeks fade away.

I gazed down at Hogwarts, a majestic structure surrounded by the enchanting landscape. The Quidditch pitch looked like a miniature chessboard, and I marveled at the tiny figures of my teammates still on the ground. The Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake sprawled out on either side, adding to the magical panorama.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration, I executed a few loops and spins, reveling in the sheer joy of being back in the air. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky. The thrill of flying, combined with the stunning view, made me appreciate the simple yet extraordinary wonders of the wizarding world.

As I gracefully descended to join the team, Harry's voice echoed across the pitch, rallying us for the upcoming match against Hufflepuff.

"Listen up, everyone! We've got Hufflepuff on Thursday, so let's make these next three practices count!" His words were met with determined nods from the team. The Quidditch pitch buzzed with the energy of a well-executed practice.

"Alright, fantastic practice, everyone! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!" Harry's command signaled the end, and the team dispersed, heading towards the locker room with a sense of purpose and camaraderie. The sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow over the pitch as we made our way to prepare for the next game ahead.

"Sorry, Harry, had to sneak in one last loop. I'm just overjoyed to be back," I shared with Harry as we walked towards the locker room.

He grinned, "Totally get it, Niamh. It's fantastic to have you back with the team."

After a quick change, slipping back into my joggers and sweatshirt, I joined the team for a late lunch inside, relishing the feeling of belonging and the thrill of being back on my broom.


The rhythmic scratch of my quill on parchment ceased as I completed my assignments in record time—transfiguration, herbology, and DADA surrendered effortlessly to my focused efforts. Glancing at the clock, its hands reaching 6:30, I acknowledged the subtle fatigue settling in—a testament to the energetic return to quidditch earlier in the day.

Feeling the drowsiness encroach, I opted for a brief respite, slipping into the comforting embrace of a matching white ribbed long sleeve and stretchy sweatpants set. As I surrendered to the softness of my bed, sleep eagerly claimed me, ushering me into a blissful realm of dreams.


The atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly, the once familiar warmth replaced by an icy chill as Harry's sneer and Hermione's harsh words sliced through the air.

"What's gotten into you both?" I questioned, my voice betraying a mix of confusion and hurt.

Harry maintained a stern expression, fueled by an unexpected anger, while Hermione's frustration seemed to stem from a different source.

"You're no use to us anymore, Niamh," Harry sneered, and Hermione, usually a voice of reason, joined in with an unexpected yell, "You're annoying, and we don't want you to hang out with us anymore!"

I woke with a start, gasping for air, the remnants of a vivid dream still lingering in my mind.

"Niamh, everything alright?" Hermione's voice, heavy with sleep, filled the room. Glancing at my watch, I realized it was one in the morning.

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