Year 6 Pt 8

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I knocked on the door, and Professor Snape's brisk response invited me into the room. Despite the change from the customary dungeons, the atmosphere in his space retained its chill, providing a refreshing contrast to the warmth lingering from my crutching journey.

"Good evening, Professor. I just wanted to ask for the notes and homework I missed while I was out," I said, attempting to keep my breath steady, though I sensed he could see through my guise.

"Why don't you sit down, Miss Donnelly? I will retrieve everything for you," he offered, his departure coinciding with a welcome coolness that soothed my perspiring skin.

Upon his return, a smile involuntarily graced my face as he handed over the materials. "Here is everything you missed. Let's catch up now. I have time."

"Are you sure, sir? It's almost 10:00, and I don't want to keep you up all night," I hesitated.

"It would be my... pleasure," he responded, his deliberate pauses injecting a captivating rhythm into our conversation.

Seated beside me on a desk, Professor Snape launched into a rapid yet comprehensive lecture on the topics I had missed. My passion for the class, combined with his exceptional teaching, allowed me to absorb the material effortlessly, driven by my desire to impress him.

The clock ticked past midnight as he wrapped up the final lesson. After each session, he handed me the corresponding homework, guiding me with a watchful eye. Although he refrained from providing direct assistance, his observant presence added an extra layer of guidance.

"Yes, Miss Donnelly, that's correct," he acknowledged, checking over my completed homework. With his guidance, I was almost completely caught up, the late-night study session proving remarkably productive.

"When will your paper be finished by?" He blurted out.

"Oh, shoot, sorry, sir. To be honest, I haven't started yet. Can I bring it to you this weekend? Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I need to catch up in my other classes. I will bring it to you Friday evening if that's okay?" I flashed a smile while making the request, hoping to avoid immediate work since I had so much to catch up on.

It was almost as if he read my thoughts. He stood up from the desk and positioned himself so that he was staring at me while I remained seated. "Yes, that will do. Now off to bed; it's way past curfew."

I smiled at him, expressing my gratitude. As I stood up from the desk and took a step, my crutch slipped, and I was on the verge of face-planting when he swiftly scooped me up. Our reflexes were quick – I grabbed his robes with my hands, and he secured my waist. In the process, a wince of pain escaped me due to my ribs, and I instinctively pulled him closer. As I started to stand, he cautiously removed his hands from my waist, clearly afraid of causing me more pain. In that moment, time seemed to slow down, the intensity of our connection lingering in the air.

We found ourselves almost face to face, my gaze meeting his as I held onto his robes. The air thickened with an unspoken understanding, and my heart pounded with a mixture of nervousness and desire. Despite my usual grace, I confessed, "Sorry, sir, I'm usually not this clumsy," accompanied by a sheepish grin. His hand gently swept away a strand of hair that had strayed from its place, and before any more words could be exchanged, he leaned down, closing the distance with a tender kiss.

Our lips collided, creating a moment that felt like the entire world had come to a standstill. The softness of his lips acted like a magnetic pull, drawing me in. His hands delicately cupped my cheeks, and I could feel the warmth of my own blush intensify beneath his touch.

As abruptly as it began, it came to a halt. A loud, pounding knock disrupted the intimate moment. We hastily separated, our eyes locking in shared disappointment. He swiftly grabbed my crutches, urging me to hide.

"Quickly, you need to hide. Come into my office," he insisted, carrying me like a bride and gently placing me in a chair. The door closed behind me, enclosing me in silence, my heart pounding with the echoes of our interrupted connection.

With a wave of his wand, he cast a silencing spell, ensuring I couldn't overhear his conversation. The contrasting emotions swirled within me – the lingering euphoria of our kiss was clouded by the realization that I couldn't share this secret joy with anyone, no matter how much I loved it.


"Miss Donnelly, time to wake up," Professor Snape's voice reached me, gently shaking me awake.

I wasn't sure how long he had been engaged in conversation, but I had dozed off in his chair.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I'll leave now," I said, feeling a blush creeping over my face at the embarrassment of being awakened by him.

"You're a peaceful sleeper," he commented, and I couldn't help but giggle. "You have a comfy chair. Goodnight, Professor. See you tomorrow," I added as I crutched away, attempting to be discreet.

As I made my way back to my dorm, thoughts of Snape consumed my mind. The memory of our kiss played on a loop, and a blissful happiness enveloped me. Each step felt like a dance, my crutches creating a rhythmic beat to the tune of newfound emotions. I couldn't shake the lingering warmth on my lips, and the joy of the stolen moment fueled my every thought.

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