Year 6 Pt 17

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The dimly lit stone halls stretched ahead of me as I briskly walked toward his classroom. The echoes of my footsteps resonated against the ancient walls. A few students passed by, their hurried steps suggesting they were headed to Hogsmeade for the anticipated sales.

I clutched my book, War and Peace, tighter, its pages slightly crinkling under my grip. The castle's architecture loomed around me, the torchlight casting dancing shadows on the worn tapestries that adorned the walls. Navigating the twists and turns of the castle, I reached his door, my heart pounding.

Attempting to maintain an air of casualness, I knocked, hoping not to attract too much attention to my impromptu visit.

I hear his footsteps make their way to the door. "What is it Miss Donnelly?" He sounds irritated.

"Sorry sir, I just had a question from the lesson you gave yesterday, it couldn't wait" I choked. Was he mad at me?

"Yes yes very well come in." He huffed, opening the door and walking to the front of the room.

Nervousness gripped me as I entered, carefully closing the door behind me. I moved toward where he stood, acutely aware of the significance of this unplanned encounter. The room held an air of academic solemnity, amplifying the weight of my presence.

"I'm so sorry, Severus, if I interrupted anything," I apologized, nervously wiping my sweaty palms on my leggings.

His countenance softened as he observed me. "You look lovely," he remarked, his words bringing a sense of relief. A subtle smile played on my lips.

"Oh, this old thing?" I responded with a touch of sarcasm, giving him a twirl. The room seemed to lighten with our banter, creating a momentary escape from the usual gravity of the surroundings.

He laughed, a sound so rare that it caught me off guard. His laughter was infectious, a melody that resonated in the room. It became a drug; I yearned for more, a taste of that newfound joy.

Joining in his laughter, I felt an unparalleled happiness wash over me. Even when the laughter subsided, a radiant smile lingered on his face. Taking a step closer, he kissed me. It wasn't just a kiss; it was a symphony of passion, an expression of love. Our bodies intertwined, seeking unity. I lightly tugged on his hair, eliciting a groan. He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his hips, desperate to prolong the moment.

Without breaking the kiss, he walked towards the door, opening it to reveal his private room. Our lips remained connected as he placed me on a fainting chair. A gasp for air escaped me, and the intensity of the moment hung in the air.

I look at his eyes for a second, then go to kiss him again. I start to trail kisses all over his face, giving the most attention to his jawline, the faint stubble grazes my face. I start to kiss his neck, making his head flip back. He grabs my bum, squeezing it hard while letting out a soft moan.

Halting at his robes, our unspoken connection guides his understanding. A subtle nod acknowledges the silent communication, and we resume our passionate kiss. My hands deftly work on unbuttoning his shirt, the air thick with anticipation. He bites my lip, a sensation that elicits a moan. Eagerly, he reciprocates by grasping my shirt. Briefly parting our lips, I lift my arms, allowing the long sleeve to gracefully slide off, intensifying the intimacy between us.

He pauses, his gaze lingering on me. "You're too good for me," he confesses. A rosy blush tints my cheeks. "You're perfect for me," I respond in a hushed whisper.

In a tender gesture, he leans in, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. His fingers trace delicate hearts on my back, evoking a sweet smile across my face. The unspoken connection between us deepens, filling the moment with an overwhelming sense of warmth and affection.

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