Deathly Hallows Pt 9

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*TW: Mature content*

As the late afternoon sun cast long shadows, two guards barged into my room. Their surprise at finding me on the window seat was evident, yet they paid it little mind. Ignoring my protests, they grasped my arms, a routine that had become all too familiar.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own, thank you," I scoffed, but my words fell on deaf ears. Their grip tightened, and I found myself being escorted out of the room.

The journey led us to the living room, a space occupied only by a handful of Death Eaters seated at the table. Their masked faces obscured any attempt to discern their identities, leaving me in the dark about the company I was to keep.

AAfter a tense few minutes, Voldemort Apparated into the room, marking the beginning of their ominous meeting.

The atmosphere shifted as everyone rose from their seats, bowing to the Dark Lord, including the guards holding me. Defiantly, I stood tall, refusing to yield.

"Feeling cocky today, Miss Donnelly? That's alright; some people require more force than others," Voldemort snickered. To my horror, I involuntarily bowed under an unseen influence, a cringe passing through me.

"Much better. Now, let's get on with this meeting," he declared, prompting everyone to unmask themselves. The room brimmed with an unsettling mix of subservience and concealed tension.

Why is there only a select few here?

The exclusive gathering consisted of the Malfoys, Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback, and Severus – a menacing assembly of Voldemort's loyal followers.

"I believe you all know why I asked you to be here. Harry Potter and his 'gang' were believed to be spotted. However, they don't know that we know their whereabouts. Now, this," he suddenly grabbed my waist, pulling me close, and squeezed forcefully, "is where you come in, my dear. We are going to use you to lure them in. And before your pretty little head gets any ideas, if you do anything to let them become aware of our little plan, I will kill you."

Pushing away from his grasp, I faced him with defiance. "I would rather die than put my friends in jeopardy. You have my word that your plan will not end the way you want," I snapped back.

"How dare you speak to the Dark Lord that way!" Bellatrix screamed.

My gaze shifted to Severus, whose face went pale. Softening my eyes at him for a moment, I then turned back to Voldemort.

"Sudden change in attitude, hm?" He took out his wand. "That can be arranged. Crucio!"

I collapsed to the floor, the curse sending waves of searing pain through every fiber of my being. My bones felt as if they had all shattered, and my skin melted under the excruciating torture.

He let me suffer longer than usual, relishing in my agony. When the curse finally ended, I couldn't stop shaking. Summoning all my strength, I sat up, my body trembling, and spoke as loud as I could, just above a whisper. "I will die for my friends if it means helping us win the war. I am not afraid of you. I may be growing weaker physically," Voldemort lifted me in the air, causing me to suffocate, "but you still cannot and will not break me. I –" I began to see stars, my body becoming numb. Severus, his face etched with concern and sadness, was the last thing I saw before everything went black, and I collapsed to the ground.


Memory flashback

"You played exceptionally yesterday, Niamh," Snape smiled.

"Thank you! The weather was beautiful, but Hufflepuff came to play. It was a close game. I'm glad we won; Harry is such a good seeker," I complimented.

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