Year 6 Pt 24

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Last night was restless; sleep eluded me as I tossed and turned, haunted by thoughts of Severus. What was he involved in? What could be so important that he had to make an unbreakable vow?

Glancing at my watch, the harsh glow of 4:30 met my eyes. It was futile to try to catch more sleep now. I rose from my bed and headed to the bathroom, where I began my morning routine. After brushing my teeth, I carefully removed the bow from last night. My hair, now free, was brushed and fashioned into a high ponytail. Returning to my bed, I approached the dresser and selected a maroon long-sleeve shirt paired with white leggings for the day ahead.

After changing into my running gear in the bathroom, I exited the common room at 4:45 and ventured outside for a run. The brisk morning air enveloped me as I began my sprint. My thoughts, once captive to questions about Severus, were gradually replaced by the rhythmic pounding of my feet against the ground.

I pushed myself harder, the world around me a blur as I ran faster and faster. My legs protested, aching, yet the intensity of my thoughts seemed to fade with each stride. The cold wind on my face stung, causing my eyes to burn and water. As the sky started to lighten, I checked my watch; it read 7:21. A sigh escaped me; it was time to prepare for the day.

Heading to the Great Hall, I grabbed a quick bite to eat, hoping the physical exertion had, if only temporarily, freed me from the tumult of questions and uncertainties that had plagued my mind.

Ron sat at the table as I arrived, exchanging brief greetings before he resumed his meal. I picked up an apple, and as I prepared to leave, my gaze involuntarily shifted toward Severus. He glanced up from his plate, meeting my eyes, but I swiftly averted my gaze and left without saying a word.

Despite the bags under my eyes being evident, I brushed off the fatigue. All my classes flowed smoothly today, and the absence of Defense Against the Dark Arts made it even better. I was particularly looking forward to my last class of the day – Potions.

Hermione and I were the first to arrive in the potions classroom.

"Hello, you two! Wasn't the party wonderful last night?" Slughorn beamed.

"Yes, Professor! We had a great time," I replied with a smile.

"Ah, splendid! I'm glad to hear it," he said before strolling away.

Hermione and I exchanged glances, rolling our eyes at the professor's enthusiasm, before taking our seats.

As we continued our discussion about the previous night, Hermione whispered anxiously, "I still can't believe this. What if Snape is still working with You-Know-Who?"

"But what about Draco? There's no way he would be involved; he's our age," I countered.

Just as our conversation veered towards Snape and Draco, Slughorn interrupted, "Alright, class, open your books to page 205. We'll be working on a very special potion today."

Of course, Harry and Ron made their usual entrance, arriving late. Unsurprisingly, Slughorn didn't seem to mind their tardiness. They make their way to our table and sigh of relief when they sit down.

"You should arrive to class on time" Hermione scolds them.

"Yeah yeah, don't remind us Hermione" Ron wines

"Today each of you will be making your own Amortentia brew, and to the student who makes the near perfect brew will receive a vial of liquid luck. Good luck!" He exclaims

Anticipation filled me as we delved into today's lesson. Potions held a special place in my heart, and I often spent my free time reading about ways to enhance brewing techniques. Today, we were tasked with creating the Amortentia brew, a potion known for its powerful love-inducing effects.

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