Year 6 Pt 26

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The warmth of Severus's embrace provided a cocoon of comfort as I gradually stirred from sleep. His arms encircled my waist, and his head nestled in the fragrant tangle of my hair. The room was still steeped in the soft hues of early morning, and, despite waking before him, I found solace in the intimacy of the moment.

Casting a fleeting glance at my watch, I discovered it was a mere 7 am. The allure of the tranquil dawn and the gentle rhythm of his breathing beckoned me back into the realm of dreams. Succumbing to the tranquility, I nestled closer, savoring the serenity of waking up next to Severus.

"Good morning, love," he whispered into my ear, the soft words carrying a warmth that danced through my senses. The endearment, a departure from the usual use of my name, sent delightful butterflies fluttering within me. Turning to face him, I greeted his eyes with a smile, my heart reveling in the newfound tenderness.

Resting my head on his chest, I closed my eyes, the rhythmic strokes of his hand tracing comforting patterns on my back. In that moment, as his touch enveloped me, I felt as if I were suspended in a serene haven, the embodiment of an enchanting morning.


We lingered in bed until the morning sun gave way to noon, a tranquil cocoon of shared moments. However, reality nudged us toward the need for sustenance, and we reluctantly parted ways.

"Come back here tonight," Severus requested, his words carrying a lingering warmth after a tender kiss.

"I'm not sure, Severus. We can't afford to raise suspicion or risk getting caught," I voiced my concern, watching a slight frown form on his face, a tacit acknowledgment of the precariousness of our situation.

"I understand," he nodded, resigned to the necessity of caution.

"I'll return to my dorm to change. I'll make sure to take my time," I assured him.

"Very well. I'll see you later, Niamh." He sealed the moment with a soft kiss, followed by a playful slap on my backside that elicited laughter as I carefully made my way back to my dormitory.

In the deserted common room, I swiftly retreated to my dormitory to change into more casual attire. Grey sweatpants paired with a snug maroon long-sleeve shirt adorned my figure, and I decided on a low ponytail with a bubble hairstyle for my hair.

Content with my laid-back look, I descended to the great hall for lunch. The clock ticked 12:30, and the dwindling Gryffindor presence caught my attention. Opting to sit across from Dean, I shot a quick glance at Severus, only to receive a disapproving glare in return.

"Hi, Dean! How was your first day of break?" I inquired while helping myself to some food.

"Hey, Niamh! It's been a bit dull, but a break is a break," he sighed.

"Do you have anything planned for the afternoon?" I asked, eager to shake off the monotony.

"As of now, I'm free. Why?" he responded.

"Fantastic! Neither do I! Let's do something, maybe Quidditch or another exciting activity!" I suggested with enthusiasm.

"Sounds like a plan, Niamh! Count me in." We continued our conversation, deciding on the specifics of how we'd spend the rest of our afternoon.


"Take it easy on me, Niamh," Dean laughed.

"I'm just here to have fun!" I chuckled.

We spent our time flying around and occasionally tossing the Quaffle. Hanging out with Dean turned out to be a delightful experience; he proved to be a fantastic friend.

"Do you wish you were with your parents?" he asked during a momentary pause in the air.

We came to a stop, and I pondered his question for a minute. "Yes and no. I miss them terribly, but I know they miss me too. It wasn't an easy decision for them to keep me here, but I understand it's for my safety. How about you?"

"I feel the same way. My parents think it's not safe with You-Know-Who," Dean shared, fostering a deeper connection through our conversations in the sky.

"Well, we have eachother!" I smiled. I checked my watch "oh my gosh it's already dinner time!"

"Good. Im starving" he said

I laughed heartily as we both descended, swiftly putting away the Quidditch equipment. On our way back to the castle, I initiated a playful race.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" I declared, breaking into a run.

Dean quickly caught up, resulting in a lively tie. We entered the castle, our laughter echoing through the hall. The brisk run left my ears tingling from the chill, but the warmth was gradually returning.

During dinner, I indulged in a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, accompanied by a crisp salad. A sweet conclusion came in the form of a delightful cookie, adding a touch of sweetness to the end of the day.

"This has been so fun Dean! Hope we can do it again soon!"

"I would love that, next time we should get more people to play an actual game of quidditch"

"Good idea! I'll catch up with you later!" I rose from my seat and made my way out of the hall. Lost in my thoughts, I inadvertently collided with someone as I turned from the main doors.

"Oh, I'm so sor—" I began, only to find myself face to face with Severus.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Professor," I stammered.

"Miss Donnelly, do you have no sense of direction?" he sneered.

"No, Professor. I'm sorry; it was an accident," I responded quietly, casting my gaze away as onlookers passed by, curious about the encounter.

"I don't need excuses"

"Sir, it's just a misunderstanding, I—" I started, but he cut me off sharply.

"Don't talk back! Detention and five points from Gryffindor!" he bellowed before briskly walking away.

My face turned red, and I felt on the verge of tears. Swiftly wiping my eyes, I followed him to his classroom, questioning why he always had to be so harsh. As we neared his room, he quickened his pace, and I struggled to keep up. Once inside, I closed the door behind me, and that's when the floodgates of tears opened.

He turned, his robes swirling behind him, and his expression softened, guilt flickering in his eyes. As he opened his mouth to speak, I felt the need to express my thoughts first.

"You overreacted. I wasn't talking back, and it's the holidays, for crying out loud. You can be nice! Especially after the wonderful morning we spent together," I sobbed.

He swiftly approached me, encircling me in his arms, holding me tightly. "I'm sorry, Niamh, I will make it up to you," he whispered, the sincerity in his voice reaching me through the turmoil of emotions.

How can I even stay mad now? I surrendered to the embrace, reciprocating the hug, determined not to let any more tears escape. We lingered there for a few minutes before I gazed up at him with a smile.

"Was it worth it?"

He appeared a bit puzzled before letting out a slight chuckle. "Anything is worth it if it means being with you."

My heart swelled with emotion as his words reached me. "You can't say that, Severus. I just stopped crying!" I chuckled, the remnants of tears lingering in my eyes, a mix of joy and vulnerability.

He leaned down, and our lips met in a passionate embrace. His hand delicately cupped my face, sending shivers down my spine. As he pulled back, his eyes met mine, and he tenderly caressed my cheek with his thumb.

Breaking the silence, I whispered, "I love you."

Isn't He Lovely-Professor SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now